Chapters Eight

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Her toothpaste fell onto the floor and so did she. 

“What the fuck Goldie!?” He warned. Sophia grabbed her toothpaste and stood up.

“I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going!” Sophia frantically apologized.

 Mandy points at the spiky popcorn head. “You know. He’s kind of hot…” Sophia looks over to Mandy and mumbles.

 “He’s like the boy version of you. Plus I thought you liked bolt boy.” 

"Oh no I definitely have a thing for Denki. I just think these guys are hot." Mandy corrected Sophia.

That’s when Bakugou turned around and marched towards Sophia.

“What’d you say!?” 

“I-I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to Mandy!” Sophia pointed at Mandy.

This was a huge mistake. She forgot he couldn’t see her. Mandy started to wheeze and snort.

Sophia’s eyes widened and she tried to come up with an excuse, but it was useless. 

Just then Deku came downstairs.

"What’s going on here Kacchan?” He almost sounded angry. Which was weird because he was always a sweet little cinnamon roll. 

“Your girlfriend is a sociopath.” Kacchan scuffed and started walking towards the bathroom again.

A now blushing Deku walked up to Sophia. She was still pointing at the air and frozen in shock. 

“Sophia?” Deku asked and waved a hand in front of her face. This didn’t work, so he placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and looked over at him.

“I-I can explain.” She put her hands up in surrender. “You see m-my real quirk isn’t really water manipulation.”

Deku looked shocked but prompted her to continue.

“I-ah actually thought I was quirkless until earlier this year.” Deku looked even more shocked by this. “Me and my friend Mandy were in a really bad car accident, and uh… she died.” His shock turned to pity.

“I’m so sorry Sophia...”

“It’s okay. She did die yeah, but she’s still with me.” She saw his face tense and it looked like he was about to talk. “I’m not crazy I swear! Just hear me out. My quirk is being able to communicate with the dead. I can also use the power they had when they were a-alive.” Her voice cracked and tears started to sprout in her eyes.

He was the first person she's told about Mandy and her quirk. “I- I couldn’t tell anyone, because, because t-they'd think I'm insane.” Before she could say another word, Deku wrapped his arms around her waist. He now had tears in his eyes too, but continued to hug her tight.

    “You should never be afraid or ashamed of your quirk. It’s amazing!” 

    “Heh heh thanks.” She wiped the tears from her eyes. “I actually met another spirit in the bathroom this morning. Her name is Grace. I don’t know her quirk yet, but she actually died at this school. Something about All Might falling on her.”

    “All Might killed her!?” He sounded like she just said his dad killed an innocent kid.

    “No! No! Just a poster of him!” Sophia quickly corrected herself.


They both laughed. Deku realized he was still hugging her and let go.

"That's weird. I haven’t heard about a death at UA.”

“You really need to learn how to talk Sophia. You kinda suck at it.” Mandy comments. Sophia gave her the stink eye, expecting one in return, but Mandy looked past her and at the wall.
    Well more specifically Grace.  Grace was facing the wall, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Mandy was laughing and Sophia giggled a bit too. Deku looked in the direction Sophia was looking.

    “What’s so funny?” 

    “Oh noth-” She forgot Deku already knew. “Grace is over there. She’s embarrassed.”

Just then Deku jumped. 

“I can see her!”

"What!?” I yelled back.

“Wow now you can yell? But you couldn’t yell when we were about to be trampled by Buffalo.” Mandy scuffs. 

Sophia whips her head towards Mandy. “Let it go Mandy. It wouldn’t have worked anyway.” Deku followed her gaze.

“I can see her too!”

“What’s happening?!”

There was a lot of back and forth about what happened (I didn’t feel like writing it) in the end they give up and go back to their dorms

Normal POV

    Once Sophia and her spirits settle down in her dorm Sophia realizes yet again that she still doesn’t know what Grace’s quirk was. 

    “Hey Grace.”


    “What’s your quirk?” 

    “Oh yeah. I probably should have told you earlier. I can control people’s appearance. For example if I wanted I could alter the way I or someone else appears.” 

    “That’s so cool! Is that how Deku was able to see me and Mandy?” 

    “I think so. I was embarrassed, so I might have accidentally activated my quirk.” 

    “That makes sense. This is perfect! Now I can use your quirk to make you and Mandy visible!”

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