"I'll be back. I gotta make sure the first years get to the rear."

"Right. Stay safe."

"You too."

With that I activated my wings and took off, following Fatgum by his side. I helped him grab some of the first years and put them within his stomach. Suddenly I saw a huge blue flame coming from one the buildings. I looked towards Tsukyomi and saw him leaving Fatgum,

"Keep going! I'll go after him. I'll keep him safe even if it's the last thing I do!"

I yelled out to Fatgum. He looked upset that Tsukyomi didn't stick to the plan. I followed him closely. We saw that Hawks was pinned down by Dabi, his flames getting bigger, I waved my hand up in the air before releasing water from it to hit the flames and Tsukyomi hit Dabi, pushing him back. I used my erasure quirk on Dabi to make sure he wouldn't hurt Hawks or Tsukyomi. I could hear Darkshadow crying a bit,

"Fumikage, Aizawa-senpai.. this is bad.. his back.. it's gone.."

I knew what he was referring to, his vermillion wings, they were basically crisped. I had put a protective water shield on Hawks back to help heal it, and I put one on Tokoyami to prevent him from getting burned. I kept my eyes on Dabi, he tried using his quirk and that's when he discovered who I was.

"They're bringing UA brats into this. Check this mess out... your guy killed one of ours. Hero's hands are dirtier than ours. Nice to see you, Aizawa Y/N. Didn't think that a girl like you had the power to wield your old man's quirk."

He came rushing at me. Knowing he had to take me down first in order to get his quirk back, Tokoyami didn't let Dabi's words cut through him, as the reason why he was even here right now was for the guy he had in his arms right now.

"I'm just concerned about my mentor."

"To..ko..ya..mi... Ai...za...wa.."

I heard Hawks say. I didn't look back to see if they were okay, as Dabi started punching at me, I was able to dodge and duck against his fist, I was able to grab them, but he pulled back quicker than I expected. He grabbed onto my tied up hair, I reached for his wrist to stop whatever he had planned, but then he head butted me harsh. Causing my goggles to shatter and for a shard to stab one of my eyes. Naturally this caused me to blink.


I scream out, but Dabi had other plans, he pinned me to the ground and was now using his foot to crush me. I then saw Tokoyami trying to dodge his flames, he had darkshadow hit Dabi and he soon jumped down and Dabi followed them. I followed as well, even with all the pain that was going throughout my body. I could only see with one eye so it was a bit hard to judge the depth of where everyone was. I could see Dabi was going to roast the two of them and I used my wings and surrounded my body in an armor of water. I was upside down as I extended out my whole body like a starfish to protect Hawks and Tokoyami. I let out a lot of water through all parts of my body. I didn't know where he was aiming, but I was determined not to let them get hit no matter what.


He yells out, there was a big ball of water that helped distguish dabi's flames. I move my head slightly to look at Tokoyami, I smile at him to let him know everything would be okay. The smile was what made him start to tear up, he took this as a sign to leave as well, to which i didn't mind. This is what I wanted him to do, to get out of here.

Suddenly a huge ice wall was activated towards the side of the building, the forced caused me to knock into Dabi, who smirks. Tokoyami flies away, because he knew what I was doing and didn't second guess me. Which I was glad about.

Through it all || Tamaki Amajiki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now