Nine Months

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Alpha Zane had noticed he had been calmer than ever since his mate had died.
"Why?" He asked his wolf "She has kept her promise. I will allow you an heir for the sake of the pack. But we will join our mate."
Zale agreed, yet wondered if he would feel this way if he was human. Sometimes he envied the simplicity of the humans emotions. Though he hated the fickleness of them too.
" Alpha" Zane turned to the face the male who had spoken.
Slightly smaller than his own 6'4, the man had short, dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. "Councillor Stephan is in your office." He nodded and thanked his Beta.
Walking towards his office he spots Airini talking to some of the pack women, calling her over he explained about the impromptu visit.
"That is strange. Surely he should have called before coming here?" She said puzzled as they made their way in.
"I wonder if it is about finding a Luna. Despite it being three months away, that is not that long really." She pondered.
Entering the office, Councillor Stephan was stood waiting for them. "Alpha Zane" The Councillor bowed, "Forgive me for this intrusion." Zale nodded and sat in his chair behind the desk, gesturing for the Councillor to do the same. Airini sat on a sofa off to the side. "What may i do for you today Councillor?"
"Please, call me Stephen, i have come today as your father's friend rather than Councillor." Zane nodded and smiled. "I thought it right to let you know that the others are starting to get pushy. They have been watching your progress and believe you to be ready for a mate."
"WHAT?" Zane roared, shooting up out of his chair, his eyes going black as his wolf tried to take over. "HOW DARE THEY. MY MATE IS DEAD AND THEY THINK THAT I CAN REPLACE HER. SHOULD I KILL THEIR MATES AND SEE IF THEY CAN REPLACE THEM SO EASILY?"
Zane chest was heaving.
"Enough." Airini's soft voice pulled him from his rant. Zane turned his head to see she had stood up. "Please calm down. I believe Councillor Stephen is not here to tell you this is to happen, but to warn you what is to come."
Zane closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Forgive me Stephen, Airini is right, i should not have reacted like that." Stephen smiled "Do not worry about it, i understand. Airini is right, they agreed to one year and now they think they can dictate changes to that."
"Why now? I agreed to this to give me time. Why do they want to push it now?" Zane said slumping into his chair.
"Truthfully" Stephen spoke "I believe they think that because you appear to be getting better that you would agree with getting it done." Both men turned to Airini when she started laughing.
"Let me guess, they have someone in mind and expect Alpha Zane to agree to the pairing?" Reluctantly Stephen nodded. "One of Alpha Lucian's daughters has recently become mateless. They are putting her forward as your new mate."
"Who?" "Leoni" Airina let out a bark of laughter. "Leoni is not strong enough to lead this pack. She is quiet and timid, there is no way she could ever raise a child to become an Alpha and lead these people."
If this was true then what the hell was the council thinking.
"Actually i believe there maybe a motive, her grandfather is on the council. I believe you meet Adam at Alpha Alan's pack." Airini frowned before realisation hit her. "Not the one who told me about the meeting being for the higher-ups?"
"That sounds like him." Airini groaned. "So he sees an opportunity to gain an alliance for his pack."
No one said anything for a moment. "Well, it seems he will be disappointed then." Airini finally spoke. "What do you mean?" Stephen asked, both men looking at her. "Alpha Zane's wolf will need to know the she wolf. By being told who to accept, there is a chance he may refuse her, even kill her. After all no Alpha is told to do something."
Zane could feel his wolf agreement.
"Well what do you suggest?" He asked. Airini smiled. "In one months time a letter will be sent to the surrounding packs inviting them to send over potentials. In two months they will arrive. That gives you and your wolf a month to observe the she wolves and find the one that suits what you want."
"Will they agree?" He wanted to know. "They have no choice. You are moving forward with what they want and for your pack. Obviously Leoni will be there so Councillor Adam cannot refuse. Since it will be you presenting the idea, it should keep them happy." Stephen nodded. "They can't force someone on you if you are working towards what they want on your own terms. If they do refuse then you can call them out and the agreement will be terminated."
Zane lent back in his chair to gather his thoughts.
"That's a lot of she wolves, some packs may send unmated as well. I know of twelve packs who would send their women here, it would take time to go through them. Also the pack would need to know them too." He spoke. "It would be best i could see how they got on together." He sat there, his mind going over the idea.
"Send the letters, but it will be two months. One month to gather a smaller group of potentials and one month to go through them. My wolf may be more willing that way."
No one said anything for a moment, each thinking about the conversation.
"Well like was said, the council can't argue with your decision. I think it's a good idea. If you agree i would like to be here when the time comes. They will insist on one of us being here anyway to monitor your progress with the she wolves. But i promise not to interfere with your choice."
" That would probably be best. Some of the other councillors are involved with their packs and may try to sway you to certain females. At least with Stephen, you will not have that." Airini agreed." And you know that how? " Zane asked." None of the mateless in my sons pack will be here. There is only one mateless and that is a male."
Zane agreed" But there will be rules added to this. Each Alpha will be told i am only looking for the mateless, there is to be no fighting. They will be involved in the pack, i will not have them harassing me all the time. They must prove themselves not only to me, but to my pack."
Stephen nodded." Write your letter and i will give it to the council. We will send it from there."
Stephen agreed before all three was standing.
" Now gentlemen, it is getting on a bit. Would you like to stay for dinner Councillor?" Airini asked." Please do." Zane spoke up. " We can discuss the announcement for the potentials, and what to expect." Smiling, Stephen agreed and Airini went off to gather dinner so they could eat in the Alphas quarter and discuss business in peace.
" It's a pity Airini isn't presenting. She would have been a good candidate." Stephen mussed.
Zane scoffed." She would have if i intend to stay. She is a good person. She deserves more than what i am asking for."
"Really?" Zane nodded. "A woman like her deserves to be loved. Not used, she deserves to be happy."
Stephen looked at Zane for a moment. " Yes, you're right. She does." He finally agreed.

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