Reunited with the Phoenix.

Start from the beginning

I'm pulled out of my trance by Hermione crashing into me. Her frizzy hair tickling my nose. I wrap my arms around her waist as hers squeeze my neck. Practically blocking my windpipe, and making it hard to breathe.

" Uh, Hermione?" I say quietly, she nods " Hm?" she questions not releasing her grip.

" Getting a little hard to breathe here." I say managing a light laugh. She pulls back giving me an apologetic look.

Harry eyes my cast taking it in his hands carefully. He eyes the black cast quickly he furrows his brows looking up " What happened?"

I cringe slightly embarrassing topic " I fell out of a tree."

He rolls his eyes in disbelief  and Ron laughs" No, really what happened?" he asks again.

I laugh lightly " I fell out of the willow tree, at my house." I say my tone light.

" The pretty princess decided to go for a climb did she?" Fred teases and George laughs. 

I nod " exactly." Ron gives me a doubtful look. 

I roll my eyes at him " Aris is insufferable," I explain " Therefore I decided to find a quiet spot outside, hence the willow tree." Harry nods knowingly, having read my letters and knowing pretty much everything.

I smile at the people around the table. Molly rushes me pushing past Harry and Ron and pulling me into a hug.

" Welcome dear, were glad to have you." she says her tone sincere. I wrap my arms around her hesitantly. I notice Ron eyeing my Slytherin ring.

" That should be considered contraband." he says scowling and I grin at him, releasing Mrs. Weasley. I hold my chin up proudly and jokingly wave the ring in front of his face.

" A room full of Gryffindors, and you have the audacity." He teases scowling at me. 

 " Not like I expected to end up in a room full of Gryffindors." I shoot back glancing quickly at Sirius. He notices and offers me a smile.

Molly ushers me to a seat and next thing I know I'm having dinner with Them. I pick at the food on my plate, while making casual conversation. Molly watches me carefully thinking I don't notice.

I don't know what her interest in me is, I'm not all that interesting. Maybe whatever I'm supposed to talk to Sirius about includes her. Maybe she's just waiting for the perfect time to bring it up.

" She's looking at you cause you eat like a bird." Ron says with a laugh, shoving a fork full of food into his mouth. 

I roll my eyes " Say's the boy that could eat a Horse in one sitting." I say teasingly to which they all laugh, even Ron.

Halfway through I hear the door open and Snape walks in. I offer him a smile, while questioning his means of being here. His eyes widen when he sees me, I understand the shock he feels cause I feel it too. Why on earth would Snape be visiting the Weasley's?

He stands in the door way and I look at him suspiciously. Until Harry taps me on the shoulder and I turn.

He glances at Snape then back to me " He's part of the order," he whispers. 

I raise an eyebrow " The order?" I question, what's the order. And why would Snape have anything to do with it? 

He nods " The order of the Phoenix." he says. My mind wanders to the letter from Sirius the small symbol of a phoenix stamped beside his name.

" They're a group of wizards working against you know who." He continues still whispering, I don't reply just nod in recognition of what he said.

Could this be why I'm here? Have they caught wind of my attendance at the dark lords awakening? Or did a death eater tell them, in an attempt to gain mercy. Are they going to throw me into Azkaban? I wonder if they have any ties to the ministry, could they have found out about my use of unforgivables last summer.

" Ellie?" I look up from my trance to Harry, " Hm?" I say not being able to find words at the moment. He smiles looking at Sirius, I turn to him and he motions for me to follow him.

" I believe we have business to discuss." he says starting to turn towards another room. I nod standing up and starting to follow him.

Was I in trouble now? That certainly wasn't what I wanted. I never planned to get on either sides bad side, if that is why I'm here. Have I done something to wrong the order? 

" This is ridiculous!" Molly yells suddenly, I whip around to face her Sirius doing the same. Molly walks towards me grabbing my left arm in hers. Holding my back from going with Sirius. I look at her surprised, curious about her sudden outburst.

Sirius turns to her trying to keep his composure calm. " Not now Molly," he pleads starting to walk again. Lupin looks between Molly and Sirius, the rest of the room doing the same.

Snape gives Molly a cautious look " Not, here Molly." he drawls. He motions for me to follow him and I do. He offers me the smallest bit of a smile and I return it.

" Just because her father was a death eater, doesn't mean she is." she spits at Sirius, a little too loud.

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach, rendering me speechless. Her words send a shock through my spine and I feel the color leave my face. I stop in my tracks from where I am next to Snape in the hall.

Molly covers her mouth at the realization of what she just said. I notice all eyes on me as I look at Molly blankly. " What." I say quietly, for the first time since my very first meeting after my fathers death, my voice shows no confidence, leaving it broken and frail sounding.

My father a death eater? Impossible, everyone I'd ever met had sung his praises. I had known a man I never in my wildest imagination, could be anything like the death eaters I know. He had always been someone who stayed away from things like this, a neutral party.

I blink back to reality dragging a hand down my face as they watch me. I don't look at their faces, not wanting to see what they portray. I look to Sirius one more time, his expression is one of panic. I look to the floor and start to walk.

I notice Snape's expression as I continue past him. it's one of pity, anger and maybe a hint of worry. I don't pay much attention to him in my rush to leave.

" Ellie," I hear him say calmly, his tone full of worry and anger.

I reach the door pulling it open as a hand grabs my shoulder. Without a second thought I transfigure and leave the person behind me.

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