Dating a Drug Dealer

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I paused before my face dropped. "Oh my god. You are jealous."

"Can you blame me?" He barked. "I don't exactly enjoy seeing my girlfriend rough-housed by some low-life drug dealer jock. Being kissed by him and telling him that you love him... for weeks!"

"I'm acting," I stated. I tried to reason with him, but I knew that if the roles were reversed and I had to watch him kiss a girl over and over for weeks, I'd be pissed too. "I told you a while ago that I trusted you infinitely. I need you to trust me now."

"If we told Fuller, he can give those assignments to Judy instead of you," Tom pointed out.

"Tom, we can't," I said with a heavy heart. "It's against the rules."

"Screw the rules," he said, taking a step closer to me. Goosebumps prickled over my arms and my heart started beating even faster.

"If we could, I would. I really like you, Tom, but we have to remember—"

"You are not a secret I want to hide. I want the good, the bad, and the ugly. I want your love—I want your everything. I'll leave Jump Street," he said.

"No, don't. I'll never be able to see you during the day," I said, "I'd miss you too much as a partner."

"But at least we will be together without having to hide anymore. Do you know how hard that is for me? I want to scream it from the rooftops!"

"Jump Street is where you belong, and Jump Street is where I belong."

"But you belong with me," he said.

"But Fuller—"

"Screw him. He is just an angry old man who hates joy."

"I won't be your girl anymore if you leave Jump Street because of me," I threatened. I was not going to be the reason that Tom left his career. I refused.

Tom opened his mouth to say something, but then he stopped and sighed. He finally gave up, "fine. I won't leave."

"Good," I said and took a breath. "Remember, it's just an assignment. You have to keep your cool. None of it is real."

"I know, you're right. You're right," he said. He blew a raspberry and shook his hands to get back in control.

"Good," I said softly. I finally opened the janitors closet to see Ritchie and a few of the other drug dealers in the hallway with some other guys I didn't recognize. But, I immediately realized that they were the suppliers that Ritchie and I were supposed to meet with.

"Where's the money?" One of them asked Ritchie, paying almost no attention to me and Tom as we peeked our heads out of the closet.

"The girl has it," he said.

That's when they all turned their heads to look at us. Tom and I slid out of the closet and closed the door behind us.

One of the dealers asked us, "seven minutes in heaven?"

"Screw you," I snapped.

"Oh-ho-ho," the supplier laughed, "feisty."

"You were with Tommy?!" Ritchie asked, clearly pissed.

No one had any weapons that we could see, so Tom and I stayed undercover. I said, "it's not what you think, Ritchie."

"I told you to stay away from her." Ritchie pointed his finger at Tom.

"Hey, get lost, A.L.F!" Tom exclaimed.

"Hey, hey!" One of the suppliers shouted. "We got a deal to do, or don't we?"

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