Chapter 10

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The sun seemed to dangle across the sky faster than ever. It didn't allow y/n or Hae Won to entirely brace themselves for what was to come. Although they knew how greatly and wrongly the situation could go, neither of them saw an escapable rat hole in which they could sneak off into. 

There was only one thing holding y/n back and that was Master Hak Kun. In the short span of time he had welcomed her into his home, he had done so much more than her family had her entire life. It was mesmerizing and so kind from his heart to hers. It was wrong from her part to do that to him, but there was going to be serious consequences if she didn't go. 

If she didn't go, Ban Ryu's suspicions would be confirmed and her life and Master Hak Kun's would be endangered. 

"Remember," Hae Won said adjusting a headband over y/n's forehead, "all you have to do is show up and be with Areum." 

"I know." Y/n said trying to swallow down the nerves that were eating her alive. 

Both of the girls nodded at each other and left through the back of the house. Y/n nearly landed over Areum as they rushed out. He was standing outside. Hae Won came right behind y/n and immediately regretted it. Areum looked from Hae Won to y/n with a stunned expression that very much conveyed how surprised he was. 

Y/n pointed at Hae Won and laughed. "Areum, this is Hae Won." However, Areum's expression turned from confused to his usual sour, tight face. "I know who she is. Her and my sister are really close." Y/n swallowed hard. After so many days of pretending to be Hyo, she could never truly fake it in front of Areum. "I thought you knew that I knew her." Areum said raising an eyebrow. Y/n bit the inside of her cheek and blinked, pretending to be thoughtful. 

"I've been away for so long it's messing with my head. Ah," y/n said turning her back to Areum and facing Hae Won completely, "I won't be able to walk you home, Hae Won. Sorry for my disrespect." Y/n said bowing and making her a face to disappear quickly. Hae Won smiled and shook her head. 

"No worries, Hyo. I'll take my leave then," she said bowing at Hyo. "Areum, before I leave, is there any news from her?" Hae Won said making her eyes teary and her expression hurt. Areum pressed his lips into a thin line and shook his head. Although the other day he had looked lifeless, in that very moment he seemed like he had been swapped with a shiner, healthier, and more human-version of himself. The bags under his eyes had been treated and his hair wasn't a bird's nest anymore. Areum had returned to being his old, blunt self. 

Hae Won bowed and turned around. Watching her go made y/n worried, but she knew her home was close to Master Hak Kun's. With her hands behind her back, a detail Master Hak Kun suggested, y/n turned to look at Areum and shook her head. 

"Are you sure we should go?" Y/n asked, testing Areum's thoughts. Areum immediately nodded. "We must go." 

Y/n nodded and together, they began making their way to Najeong. Before they could entirely dissapear into the dark path to Najeong, y/n turned around and faced Master Hak Kun's home. She deeply bowed and whispered the words, "I'm sorry." 

The way to Najeong was dark but neither y/n or Areum were afraid. They had each other, even if Areum was oblivious to her true identity. In a way, she felt guilty for tricking Areum like that. He trusted it was Hyo beside him, his childhood bestfriend, but in reality, it was his lost sister whom he had looked lifeless for. 

"Hyo, where exactly did you go all those years ago?" 

Y/n tensed up yet didn't allow for the tension to reach her face. She kept her eyes straight ahead and stretched the silence after Areum's question. Master Hak Kun had sent his son Kang Hyo away because he was afraid the Empress would harm him because of his Sacred Bone status. Hyo was never sick or sent to train anywhere outside of Silla. Nor had he been sent with other family members. 

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