Chapter 1 - The Breakup

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"I can't do this anymore, Charlie!" Cassius yelled, leaning his head on the steering wheel of his car.

"Neither can I!" Charlie screamed back.

He turned to face her. "Then let's stop! All of this. This whole thing!" He motioned back and forth between them.

The space inside the car kept getting smaller and smaller the more they yelled at each other. They had been arguing the entire way home. Home was Charlie's house, but it had also become Cassius' second home. That's how often he was there.

Her jaw dropped. "Are you saying you want to break up?" she asked.

He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "Yes, I am!"


She unbuckled her seatbelt and practically jumped out of the car. Thank god they were parked in her driveway. She slammed the car door shut as hard as she could, knowing how much he hated that.

Charlie could barely believe this was the same boy who sent her daily love letters just one year ago. But then again, so much had happened between then and now.

She stomped up to her gate. Behind her, she could hear the wheels of his car screeching as he peeled off into the night. She was so furious that she slammed the gate closed. Whoops, bad move. She slammed it so hard that the handle broke off.

She stood on her doorstep waiting. Yes, she was furious at him, but he would come back. He always came back. Five minutes passed, but there was no sign of his shiny black Mustang coming down the hill. Five more minutes passed. She strained her ears, but she couldn't hear the familiar sound of his engine in the distance.

Maybe he wasn't coming back this time.

Panic seized Charlie's chest. She felt like she was having a heart attack, and she couldn't breathe. Her throat tightened up and she felt tears stinging her eyes.

She began to sob as she came to the horrible realization that she and Cassius Green had just broken up. For real this time. 

**I know, I KNOW. I'm sorry about the breakup, but there wouldn't be much of a story without some drama.  Don't worry though, this is very much still a  love story! Xx

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