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luke lay sprawled out on the bed of his new apartment. he had come to the conclusion that his home town of sydney australia just wasn't cutting it for him anymore, he needed something new, a new atmosphere, so he packed up all that he had and bought a one-way ticket to los angeles california. of course, the timezone change was really taking a toll on his body as it was 11:30 p.m. and he was ready for dinner (it was 6:30 p.m. in sydney).

as he lay on his bed trying to decide if he wants to make the strenuous journey out of his apartment to get food or not he feels someone's eyes on him for the first time.he looked over his shoulder in search of the watcher, but found nothing but an open window. he sprung out from under his sheets in nothing but an old white t-shirt and a pair of white lace panties and made his way to the window, peeking out just in time to see curtains closing in the apartment building across from him.


after another long and hard twenty minutes of laying in bed, luke finds himself in the parking lot of in-n-out in a loose t-shirt, the first pair of yoga pants he saw, and his favorite pair of sperrys. he liked what he wore, so who cares if some close minded middle aged (and probably balding) man doesn't approve? luke certainly doesn't.

when luke finally made it inside the restaurant, he ordered a protein style burger (he never was a fan of bread, as weird as it sounds) and sat patiently waiting for the boy behind the register to call out "number 87, your order is ready".

luke's number was called sooner than he had anticipated. he made his way to the counter, got his wallet out and proceeded to pull out a twenty dollar bill until a hand stopped him. luke looked up at the culprit, finding himself staring into a pair of beautiful green eyes. the boy in front of him was undeniably gorgeous, his obviously dyed blue hair was styled on his head perfectly in a messy (almost) fringe.

the stranger's warm hand still grasped luke's tightly and the blonde boy blushed, noting how much larger the other boy's hands were compared to his own.

"uh-uh-uh," the blue haired boy finally spoke up, "a pretty little thing like you should never have to pay for anything on their own. this one's on me." the taller boy gave a ten dollar bill to the cashier and mumbled 'keep the change'.

"um, thanks for, like, paying for me..." luke looked down at his shoes, shifting awkwardly under the much bigger man's intense stare.

"oh, i don't mind, baby doll. i'm mikey, remember that."

"why?" luke furrowed his brows in utter confusion at the boy- or, man, in front of him. mikeyl leaned in close to luke, the smaller boy taking a few steps back for every step michael took, until he was trapped against a nearby wall. luke felt warm breath fan over his neck and lips grazing the shell of his ear.

"because," mikey smirked, "it's the name you'll be screaming later."

lukes cheeks burned crimson red as he tried to find some way to make this situation less awkward, for him at least.

"oh, uh, i think i'd better be on my way, you know... it's getting late and all..."

"i'm sorry babe, i can't exactly let you do that. well, not until i have your number. we could be real close, you and me. i mean, you are a fellow aussie, and a mighty cute one at that."

after about five more minutes of mikey pushing luke to give him his number, he finally caves in and adds himself in the taller boy's contacts. he really didn't want to, but he knew that was the only way the taller man would let him leave. 'what a creep' luke thought.

"well," mikey began "i'd better let you go now, i'll see you around princess." mikey winked at luke and released his grip on luke's wrists, letting him make his way out of the restaurant with his takeout bag.

"not likely" luke muttered under his breath, pushing open the door and walking out into the warm night air.

// omg hey hi hello

this is finally staring im sO EXCITED OMG. before this story even started it had almost 2k reads ???? how??? i just want to thank you guys sososososo much and let you know i appreciate every single one of you. you're the truest of the true.

was this good???? i hope you liked it!!!

also p.s. this story will contain sugardaddy!micheal so read at ur own risk

also p.p.s there will be smut next chapter. u have been warned.

i love you all sooo much. see u soon homies.

xxmolly //

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