Chapter 14: To Him (2017) Shaeyeon

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To Him - Park Jimin (Jamie)

I don't really like hip-hop
I don't really like cats
I didn't even want to travel around the world
But the day I saw your bucket list
My dream became traveling the world

Nanana no no no no no
Before, I, no no no no no

I really changed so much
In order to be your ideal girl

I listened to the song that you said was so good
I watched the movie that you like
I try to be the person you want
But I'm not
I can't

The girl you talked about yesterday likes hip-hop
She likes cats too
Is she the girl you dreamed of?
Well, I guess it's pointless now

I'm not your ideal girl

I listened to the song that you said was so good
I watched the movie that you like
I try to be the person you want
But I'm not
I can't

After forcing myself to act this way
Now I'm not that girl
And i'm not even myself
I'm becoming someone who's nothing to you

I don't really like hip-hop
I don't really like cats
I actually, I just like you

To Him was released in 2017 where Shaeyeon figured she is not like her past self, she tried to be who Minsik likes. Despite being together for now 3 months,  she knew she had to hold on, she thought she knew that he is the one for her, she was harsh on herself, keeping her head busy with work, moving from one office to the other, and then return home to occasionally seeing him inside her house, some days dropping by his studio to help him out with his songs. She was juggling everything, her work, her relationship, her body to maintain her health wellbeing and so, she also got two cats of her own because she now adored them as how Minsik adored them too. She didn't like hip hop, but she had the talent. She didn't like hip hop but she is in Fanxy Child because she is more into R&B. The stress she puts on herself is incomparable with other idols and i mean idols who are in the company to JUST be an idol.

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