I 26: T A K O Y A K I

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"Oh, Let's try takoyaki! I saw it in a film and it looks good!" I tugged at his hand, directing him to the takoyaki stalls.


"Brat, blow before you shove it in your mouth." He chuckled, blowing at his food.

"Shust aup!" I replied, my mouth full and hot. The takoyaki wasn't hot when I blew it, but when I put it in my mouth, damn, it was hotter than the filling of apple pie.

"Here." He handed me a cup, filled with cold cola. I drank it immediately, sad that I didn't get to savour one of three of my takoyaki's.

"Thanks hun." I gulped.

"Hun huh?" He teased. I blushed redder than before, waving him off.

"Sorry! Force of habit!" I shoved another takoyaki in my mouth and chuckled nervously, looking anywhere but him.

Suddenly, he pecked my cheek, "I don't mind, Baby."

I wasted another takoyaki.


I'm staying over at Levi's tonight, 'cause why not? I wanted to either, and he invited me, so, win-win.

I was applying cream on my face in front of the mirror when Levi calls, "Do you want to watch a movie? And hurry up, I need to use the bathroom."

"Yes! I'm almost done!" Applying the last of the cream, and brushing my teeth, I went down to meet Levi.

"You go shower, I'll do the popcorn. Cheese or salt?" I asked.

"Salt." He said, and went ahead upstairs.


As I was pouring the contents into the bowl, I felt arms snake around my waist. Putting the package down, I turned to face Levi and wrapped my arms around him too.

He immediately nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck, his wet hair slightly dampening my shirt. We stayed and swayed for a bit, until he broke off and held my (cheek/color) cheeks.

"I love you so much ok? Remember that." His eyes held so much passion and love, that could make me melt. We've exchanged 'i love you's' several times, but it still made my stomach and heart flutter with love and joy.

"Of course Levi, And I love you too, so much." I held his cheeks, squeezed it a bit, and pecked his puckered lips. I wiggled out of his grasp, grabbing the popcorn, "Now come on! I wanna watch (f/m)!"

~ Third PoV

Warm under the blankets, legs tangled to each other, the couple continued watching (f/m) with y/n's head rested on Levi's shoulder. His arm wrapped around y/n's.

Halfway through the movie, Y/n started to doze off, head slightly swaying, eyes tempted to close. Levi noticed of course, and watched her fall asleep on his shoulders.

When she finally fell into deep sleep, Levi took the bowl away from her grasp, setting it on the table. He laid on the couch, bringing y/n with him. Her ending up on his chest, he set his hands on her back, and dozed off to sleep, the movie softly playing at the background.

Time skip

"New year, new month! Happy first day of February! And look! The tea shop's ready to operate next week! I'm so excited to get back to work!" Hanji cheered, taking y/n's hands, interwinding with hers.

"Also! Valentine's day! Levi got any plans yet?" She teased, craning her head back, looking at Levi who was falling behind. He only 'tched' and rolled his eyes at her, but he had a plan in mind.

The three were headed to the park, planning to meet Erwin, Petra and Olou. Eren couldn't join, since he was still
'editing' his book, but he said he would join them next time.


The group each had boba's in their hand, walking through the park to look for a place to sit and talk. When they found one, a bench with a table, under a big ass tree.

It was a bit windy, perfect for sightseeing. Children running around, trying to fly a kite, or chasing cats and dogs. Parents watching and couples doing their things.

They talked about things, what would they do when they arrived to the stage of of marriage and settling down. They could never take it seriously, because Hanji and
Y/n are there to make snarky remarks.

It was a weird group; a couple, two crackheads, and two boys that oozed leadership and intimidation. But they couldn't ask for more.

??? PoV

Hmm, It didn't work. I thought if I accidentally burned it, they'll be forced to move. But they didn't. Ugh.

I'll just devise a new plan. Yes. Soon enough, she- I mean, He'll be mine...

This bush is extremely itchy.

✨ A u t h o r ' s N o t e ✨

Ha, I'm back, did you miss me? Probably not. But I did miss y'all.

Ok. FIRST thing. Thank you so much for 3.78k reads. I started my hiatus on 2.51k and damn.. I love you all! ❤️✨

Second, I changed my theme, to Minecraft lmao, might wanna check my acc hehe.

Third, thank you for 74 followers! You guys don't know happy it makes me, even though my account is still small.

Fourth, I'm sorry the chapter isn't long like I said, but I needed a filler before I fixed my brain and get back to the plot.

Lastly, I have an upcoming book, Armin Arlert x Reader. I haven't seen many, so I decided to make one, will y'all read it though? I also have a pending story, Shoto Todoroki x Reader. Anddd I think I wanna start on Armin's first.

That's all, thank you so much for the support, and love. If need someone to talk to, my message board is open and my DMS are too! (@//thtstrwbrrypie)

Bye! See you next chapter.

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