"Wow, you got ready fast," Zara notes when she walks back in the room wearing nothing but a towel. She dumps her toiletries on her desk and collapses on her bed.

I put on my left sneaker as I talk to her. "I'm meeting Ben for breakfast before our first class, so I need to leave earlier."

Her wet hair drips down her shoulders and onto the headboard. "Ah, shoot. It's a shame I won't be able to see him. We can meet up for lunch later, though, if you want?"

"That sounds cool." I put on my other shoe and walk over to my desk, grabbing my bag off it. "Right, I'll see you later."

"Bye," Zara responds as she picks up her phone, seeming in no rush to get dressed.

I exit the dorm and head towards campus. I immediately notice the cool air around me, and I'm glad I brought my cardigan with me. My hair blows gently in the wind, and as I walk in the direction of campus, I can hear the leaves on the trees rustling.

When I reach the center of campus, I head straight to the café Ben and I agreed to meet up at and sit at an empty table by the window, waiting for him to arrive.

At this time of the morning, there's hardly anyone around campus, and the café only has three other students in it. Having nothing else to do, I pull out my Charlotte Brontë book and lay it flat against the table. The binding is so worn that it lays open by itself.

I go on where I left off in the book and rest my head on my hand, absorbing the words.

After reading for ten minutes, I hear the chair opposite me squeak in protest as it's getting dragged along the hardwood floor. My initial thought is that it's Ben arriving, but when I look up from my book, I'm horrified as to who's taking the seat.

"I heard you and Tanner are an item now," Chloe says in an accusing voice.

Wow, news travels fast!

I haven't seen her since the party at the fraternity, where she told me to give Eddie a lap dance.

"And?" I glare at her, wondering why she's bothering to talk to me.

She inspects a piece of her silver hair, seeming bored "I'm just surprised, that's all. You're not his usual type."

"And what type is that?"

She smirks. "Let's just say you're everything he's not normally into."


I cross my arms, seething. I know she's only saying these things to get to me. But annoyingly, it's working. I remember how she was all over him at the party and was leaning in against him and sitting on his lap.

Tanner assured me the day after that nothing was going on, but he also mentioned that something went on between them in the past.

"You're right. I'm not his usual type. I don't live for parties and prefer to spend my spare time with my friends and in the library. But he still chose me. So maybe his type has changed."

I eye up her getup that's way too out-there for being on campus. Her neckline drops way too low, showing off her boobs, and her hot pants ride way too far up her legs.

She flicks her hair. "Please, he may have some weird attraction to your sad bookish life, but he'll get tired of you. And when he does I'll be right there waiting for him as will all the other girls."

My nostrils flare in and out angrily. How dare she come over here to put me down.

I lean forward on the table and fix my eyes on her. "He doesn't want you or any other girl. He came after me, so I think it shows he has brains. As for you, why would he want to go back to someone he's already failed with?"

She scoffs. "Failed with? Then why did he keep coming back for more? Ask yourself that, Leah. It's like I said, he'll get bored with you, as I know what he likes and you don't. I bet you haven't even slept with him. You don't seem the type to give it up easily."

I flush angrily. "That's none of your business."

She smirks again. "I see." She looks down at her phone and smiles. "As riveting as this conversation is, I have to meet my friends."

She gets up from the table and walks out of the door. Ben passes by her as she exits, and his eyes land on mine. My mind is traveling at a hundred miles an hour, dissecting our conversation as Ben rushes over to the table. I can't believe she could be so cruel to tell me I'm not good enough for him and that he'll drop me.

"Leah, are you okay? You look like you're about to cry," Ben says worried.

He takes the seat that Chloe just vacated, and he reaches for my hand. I hiccup and wipe a tear away.

"Who was she?" Ben asks.

I breathe a heavy sigh. "She's one of Tanner's exes. She came over here to basically tell me how Tanner's going to get bored with me and go back to her."

"Why would he get bored with you? I saw the way he behaved around you on the yacht. He looked smitten with you."

"You think?" I ask, unsure.

He squeezes my hand again.

"Absolutely. Plus, remember he went after me because he thought I was making a move on you. A guy wouldn't do that if he didn't care about the girl. His ex is just jealous because that's all she is, an ex."

I give a weak smile. "I guess you have a point."

"I do. Don't let her get inside your head. You know how you feel about Tanner, and don't let anyone make you doubt what you have with him."

"Okay. I'll try." I sniffle. "Can you keep this to yourself? I don't want Tanner or Zara knowing, as I'll know they'll go after Chloe, and I don't want her to have the satisfaction of that."

"Sure. I am here, though, if you want to talk at any point. I don't want you to think you're alone in this."

A happy tear falls from my eye this time. "God, Ben. You're the sweetest friend I've ever had."

He gives a shy smile. "Come on, let's go get some food. I'm starving."

I nod and leave my belongings on the table and go straight to the counter to order some breakfast. I try to take Ben's advice and block out what Chloe said, though every so often, a negative thought enters my head, making me wonder if I'm good enough for him.

What do you think of Chloe's warning to Leah? Do you think she's jealous? Do you think Tanner will go back to her?

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