the night(part 3)

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Maid 1  :did you see prince osamu today.

Maid 2  :yeah he was amazing.

Maid 3  :the way he control his element.

Maid 4  :he's so talented at a young age.

Maid 1  :unlike that useless prince.

Maid 3 :i don't think he'll ever get his element.

Maid 2  :i heard the king and queen are gonna disown him.

Maid 1  :i mean who won't right.

The maids just mock atsumu and went away. Atsumu was sitting in the corner crying silently.

Atsumu  :will they really do that. Am i that useless to everyone. Does mom and dad even love me. Will they really disown me.

He cried and ran away into the forest. While he was running he felt his hand getting colder and colder by the second but he didn't care.

He then trip over something and the fall. Then the ground he touch become ice in an instance. He got scare and back away.

He then keep crying until he heard someone call him. He look back to see oikawa who he hasn't seen for 3 years.

Since atsumu's 10th birthday he hasn't seen oikawa.

Atsumu  :kawa.

Oikawa  :omg atsu is that really you.

He then saw the ground that atsumu just froze. He was surprise but he approach atsumu.

Oikawa  :atsu did you do this.

Atsumu  :yeah i don't know how.

Oikawa  :atsu your haru your element.

Atsumu  :what?

Oikawa  :come with me atsu it's not save for you to be here until you can control your power.

Atsumu  :why?

Oikawa  :your brother has fire element right. What do you think happen if you put fire and ice together.
One of you'll die. I'll explain the detail later but once you decided to come with me you cannot go back to your home until you can control your powers.

Atsumu  :how did you know about this kawa.

Oikawa  :because i'm have ice element too.

Atsumu  :what?

Oikawa  :so what do you say atsu.

Atsumu  :i'll go.

Oikawa  :you sure.

Atsumu  :yeah i don't want to be call useless anymore even if i stay, my parents will disown me sooner or later anyways.

Oikawa  :if you say so.

Oikawa then use a teleportation stone and bring them back to their castle.

Atsumu  :your a prince.

Oikawa  :yeah my real name is oikawa tooru.

Atsumu  :ok then i'm atsumu miya.

Oikawa  :i see your a prince too and i'm pretty sure the other is a prince too.

Atsumu  :you mean omi. Omi is a prince too.

Oikawa  :yeah.

Atsumu  :too much information to process.

Then oikawa explain atsumu about everything.

Oikawa  :as you know someone who has ice element are rare and very powerful so you must be extra careful ok.

Atsumu  :ok i'll keep that in mind.

Oikawa  :well you'll be staying here and train with me from now on. Ialready told my parents and they said yes. I'll introduce you guys tomorrow.

Atsumu  :ok. kawa? Thank you for everything.

Oikawa  :don't mind it too much atsu.

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