After a few minutes of arranging them, I took my phone and walked out of the room while pulling the luggage. I looked around the room for the last time and opened the door to leave the room.

As soon as the door was opened, I stopped on my way when I saw Jake running through the hallway while gasping for breath. He came towards me and looked at me directly into my gaze.

"Don't leave me, please." He said softly. He exhaled deeply and shook his head as I took a step away from him. "Don't leave, please."

"Let's talk first."

"I'm so sorry for everything, Han Jina."

I lowered my head and waited for him to finish with his explanation. I was in the urge of crying again, but I held it in many ways I could.

I didn't want to cry in front of him anymore. I didn't want to look weak. I stood at the door and didn't say anything because I was so disappointed in him.

"Please say something, Han Jina."

He reached his hand to hold my hand but I quickly shrugged him away.

"I love you because I sincerely do. I love you and I want you as much as you want me. I sincerely want you back."

I shook my head, "Stop lying, Jake."

"You love the baby in my tummy, you don't love me the same way I love you. Your heart never stops pounding and fluttering for Yurim."

"You never defend me when everyone talking shit about me in front of you, but when they talked something bad about Choi Yurim, you didn't hesitate to step forward and knock them out."

"Where's the logic part that you said you sincerely love me, Jake? Why are you always hesitating when it comes to me?"

"You didn't say anything when Mr.Hwang asked some questions about our relationship. You didn't correct them wrong. You didn't take any step forward to speak up about us."

I cried again and took a moment to continue my words. I put his hand away as he tried to wipe off my tears.

"Jake, please stay out of my life."

Jake quickly responds, "No. I want to be with you and raise our baby together with you. I want us to be a family."

"You don't love me, Jake. I don't want to live with someone who doesn't love me back. I don't want to feel out of love."

"You will always stare at her picture and write a heartwarming letter about her. I don't want to get hurt anymore."

"When will you realize that I sincerely want you and love you back?" He spoke up.

"You should have corrected Mr.Hwang and his production crew earlier. You should have fixed everything in front of them."

"Tell them that they are wrong. Tell them that you love me back. Tell them everything."

"But all you did was hesitate and stay silent. How can I believe you, Jake?"

PLAYBOY [제이크]ᴇɴ⁃ Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now