I burnt my homework

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"Mm, yummy," I muttered, licking my lips as the s'more melted in my mouth. Only, this s'more smelled different, it was over cooked, burnt even. It was soft like a ball of cotton, but tasted vaguely of detergent and the laundry sheets that my mom used.

That's odd. I thought as I chewed some more before the smell entered my nose. It was stronger than before and far more rancid. I quickly opened my eyes, knowing that my marshmallow dream was too good to be true.

"How?!" I shouted, scooting quickly to the corner of my bed as I stared at the burnt corner of my pillow. I searched around my room, noticing similar patterns of charred wood and other materials scattered throughout my room. The side of my finished wooden desk had a large, gaping hole through the center of it and my ceiling light was broken.

"How." I stood up, looking around my room and wondering how I was going to explain this to my parents. I reached for my phone to check the time.

5:37 a.m.

The sun hadn't even come up yet. School wouldn't start for another few hours. I decided it would be a good idea to hide the charred and burning parts of my room from my mom. I reached for my backpack to pull out a sheet of paper that I could place over the burnt parts of my room. My fingers searched until a small fire started inside of my backpack.

What. The. Heck.

I flew backward, staring as the small fire blazed stronger.

No! No! My homework! I panicked, rushing over to my backpack to try to stop the fire from spreading. Mom would kill me if I burnt down the house. And suddenly, just as I was about to grab my bag, a bright red light flashed out of nowhere, starting a strong flame around my bag as my eyes widened.

Crap. I quickly rushed into my bathroom and filled my retainer case with water, running over to my burning backpack and throwing the small amount of water onto it. It only made the flames burn brighter. I decided to do the only other thing I knew how: stop, drop, and roll. I reached for my backpack, the fire spluttering out of it like it was nobody's business and I threw it onto the hardwood floor and began rolling over it.

The fire simmered down and stopped seconds later as I looked at the hole that had been created through the fabric of my bag. I wondered if someone was pranking me, had one of my friends left one of their mini firecrackers in my bag, I wondered.

I breathed heavily as I walked back over to my bed and the burnt pillow on it, wishing it had been an actual marshmallow. A red glow started to form around me, I looked around my room for the source.

My hands. My hands were glowing! I stared, wide eyed as I looked at them. And suddenly, a bright flashing light bounced from my hands and hit the ceiling. I fell back onto my white bed, trying my best not to scream as I saw the dark circle form on my ceiling. There were too many of them around my room now.

Mom would kill me. I looked over at my backpack, afraid to look inside. I knew that something awful had probably happened in there and I didn't want to see it. I stood up adjusting my knee-length night gown as I sat on the carpet with my backpack in my hand. The only thing I could come up with to explain this to my mother was the possibility of an animal eating it. And knowing mom, that would only make her even more curious and paranoid about bugs in the house.

I shut my eyes as I reached into my backpack, feeling nothing more than ashes at the bottom that had fallen onto the floor from the hole in the bottom. I winced, it hurt knowing that the homework that I'd spent almost four hours working on was now burnt to a crisp. I was frustrated that I'd have to re-do it in the next two hours before school started and that I would be missing out on much needed sleep.

Groaning, I rubbed my eyes, the odd red light shooting out of my hands again as it blew a hole through my expensive bean-bag chair. I almost cried looking at it, wondering how to stop whatever nightmare this was from happening. I rushed over to my sock-drawer and searched for my old pair of gloves, hoping that I didn't burn all my socks in the process.

I'd need to see a doctor about this; or better yet, my friend Bryce might've known.

"Got ya!" I snatched the gloves and placed them over my hands, hoping that no more strange incidents happened. I wondered if I fell asleep at this moment, would I wake up and realize it had all been a nightmare?

I rushed over to my desk, gloves on as I pulled out a new sheet of paper and opened my math textbook, annoyed that I'd have to redo the assignment.


It was nearing seven-fifteen by the time I'd completed the assignment at hand. I guess, the one good thing that had come from it was getting to cement the useless information into my mind. It wasn't like I would ever be using multiplication in the real world, but they were fun little puzzles for the time being.

My alarm blared on my phone as I ran over to my bed, finally recognizing the ache in my back as I tried to swipe to turn it off. I got nervous when I realized I'd need to take my gloves off. I had wished the strange red light that had burnt half my room was an illusion, but based on all the dark charred circles everywhere, I knew it was too good to be true.

"Ada!" Mom called, knocking on my door as I continued attempting to use my phone screen with the gloves on. "Ada! Wake up." I heard her say as the sound continued hollering, surrounding my baby blue room with the sounds of police sirens.

"Ada! Turn off your alarm." My mother called again as I pulled at the sleeve of my nightgown, hoping that my elbow was enough to shut it off.

I began attempting to swipe with my elbow as I fell onto my bed, my mouth landing on the charred pillow again as I spat out the cotton.

"Ada! I'm coming in there if you don't shut off your alarm!" Mom shouted. I panicked when my phone buzzed and said 'thumb print not recognized.' I almost lost it as my hair fell onto my face, blocking my vision.

"Stupid gloves." I muttered, ripping them off at the same second that mom barged into my room. "Mom!" I shouted, surprised as she stared at me with her mouth agape.

A giant bright red flash of light flew across the room, burning the wall across from me as I stared right back at her. My mouth hung open too.

"Good morning." I smiled, putting the glove back on as I merrily strolled over to her. She looked like she was frozen in shock as her eyes searched the room and finally landed on me.

"Ada!" She screamed, "what have you done to your room?!"

"Uh... I redecorated! Do you like it?"

"And, and the light that just came out of your hand..." she said, puzzled and attempting to solve the puzzle. I bit my lip, unsure of what to tell her because I also had no idea what was happening.

"It's just special effects for my... uh... drama class!"

"You don't take drama." She placed her fingers on her forehead as she furrowed them in frustration, "It's too early for this, I'll be back after I've had my coffee. Get ready for school." She said as my eyes widened, laughter on my features as she shut the door and walked out.

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Until next chapter! :)

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