Chapter 31

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Miguel Pov:

It was the next day and it was the day of the tournament. I wasn't looking forward to it because Rosalie won't be there with me or the team as she told me last night that she quit Cobra Kai because of my actions. Which I don't blame her for that, I feel so horrible and mad at myself for hurting Rosalie an breaking our promise. I really wish and hope she be at the tournament today so I can talk to her an apologize to her about my behavior towards Robby, but I'm apologizing to Robby for what he did to me. I can see what Hawk was saying about Robby is trying to steal Rosalie away from me an I don't like it because Rosalie is my girl not his. I hated when he grabbed her hand right in front of me. I don't care for the reason why he did, because no matter what you just don't grab someone else hand when their boyfriend is standing right there in front of them. I know no matter what if I see Rosalie today at the tournament I'm gonna find a way to talk to her so I can apologize and work things out with her so we can stay together. I know we're still together because she didn't break up with me last night, all she did was quit Cobra Kai. After Rosalie left last night I couldn't stop thinking about her and how horrible I felt when she left hurt from me pushing her. I told Demetri and Hawk about it an Hawk was totally on my side about it he thinks Robby is totally trying to steal Rosalie away from me. I snapped out of my thoughts as I get ready for the tournament. I walk out of my room to go eat some breakfast before the tournament. Once I was done my mom drive me and ya-ya to the All Valley Tournament. I got out of the car walking up to Aisha, Hawk and Bert as we wait for Sensei to get here. I got in fight position as I practice my jab punch over and over again as I was exhaling sharply because I was still frustrated and tore up about what happened last night.

"Yo, Miguel, calm down, man.. save some for the tournament" Hawk said to me as he looked over at me.

I looked over at them annoyed as they all looked back at me. Before I continuing on doing the punches in the air. Hawk sighed before Aisha tapped his arm to get his attention as he and Bert looked over at her.

"Hey, don't even bother.. He's been super aggro ever since the breakup" Aisha said
"We didn't break up *Exhaling sharply as I did the punch* We're still together" I snapped back at Aisha saying she was wrong that Rosalie and I are still together.
"Really because that's not what she told me last night on the phone" Aisha snapped back at me as I stopped to looked over at her for second before I continue on what I was doing.
"She and I will work it out... I know it... she's coming today I know it" I snapped back at them as I continue.
"Well it doesn't matter if she comes or not because if she comes I know she's coming to cheer for us... we're her friends" Hawk said knowing Rosalie won't abandon us.

I looked over at Hawk hoping he is right about that because I want Rosalie to be here. I continue to do my punches as Hawk asked Aisha and Bert about where Sensei is.

"well, where's Sensei? Do you know if Rosalie is coming to cheer for us or not? The tournament's gonna start soon" Hawk asked them.
"He'll be here.. but as Rose I don't know for sure.. I texted her the morning... she said she'd think about it but I wouldn't hold your breath because she told me she's still upset about what happened last night *nodding her head towards me* But she said if she comes she will cheer for us not caring what her dad thinks" Aisha said.
"Wait a minute her dad found out about us" Hawk asked which made me more angry thinking Mr. Larusso will try to keep Rosalie away from me. He probably thinks I'm asshole Cobra Kai jerk.
"Yeah she said Sensei snitched on her and told him.. which I believe her of the way Sensei acts and thinks about her dad I'm not surprised he did" Aisha said
"Same well, I'll text Rosalie that we got her back if she need us" Hawk said.
"Yeah I miss her... she made Cobra Kai special" Bert said.
"you and me both Bert" I said to him as I was sad that she quit Cobra Kai because of me.
"So what about Sensei? is he coming or what" Hawk asked.
"I don't know about that" Bert said not so sure about Sensei coming.
"What are you talking about? Like I know Rosalie pissed at Miguel and Sensei but Sensei still coming" Aisha said as Hawk nodded his head agreeing as he looked at Bert confused.
"I saw him last night at the mini mall... I was buying *stammer* a carton of milk" Bert said as we rolled our eyes knowing he didn't buy a carton of milk.

Bert told us the story of what he say last night at the mini mall with Sensei.

"Well, why didn't you tell us this earlier?" Aisha asked Bert.
"I don't know.. I guess I'm just so used to seeing him drunk, it didn't seem like that big a deal" Bert said.
"Well we're here and he's not.. so it's officially a big deal.. What if something happened to him?" Hawk questioned Bert.
"Like what?" Bert asked him.
"I don't know like he drove his car off a cliff, or he bought a gun and blew his brains out" Hawk said freaking out as I put my arms down concerned as well as I looked over at them.
"No, Sensei would never kill himself.. it's too pussy a move" Aisha said calm down Hawk.
"Whatever I mean, we're here.. We're gonna have to do it without him" Hawk said as I shake my head a little frustrated not wanting that to happen.

I looked back up at them annoyed with Sensei not wanting him to do this to us.

"do what without me?" Sensei asked walking up to us.
"Sensei?" Hawk said looking behind himself seeing Sensei walking up to us.
"We didn't think you were gonna show up" Hawk asked him.
"I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight" Sensei said to us.
"Great, let's sign up" I said to them.
"Not yet *looking around at all of us* There's one more lesson I have to teach you... Oh and I'm sorry about Rosalie guys... but I hope she will still be here to cheer for you guys" Sensei said about Rosalie quitting which made me upset and sad because I wanted her to be here with us.

We all walked into the building as we all surrounded Sensei in a circle as he was in the middle of the circle pacing around us as he talked to us.

"You've all learned to strike first, to be aggressive, not be losers.. I've taught you to strike hard, put every ounce of your power behind everything you do... but I haven't taught you the third rule of Cobra Kai.. No Mercy.. the older you get, the more you're gonna learn that life isn't fair.. you wake up one morning feeling great, and then life throws a spinning heel kick to your balls.. takes a big steaming shit in your get an F on a Test, you get suspended, you fall in love with a girl *I nodded my head not happy as I think of Rosalie* And some other dude comes and steals her away *I looked down at the floor as my nose twitched looking angry when he said that* your car gets set on fire.. just when you think things are going good, everything falls apart.. that's how it goes.. Life shows no mercy so neither do we... we do whatever it takes to keep our heads above water.. we do whatever it takes to keep moving forward.. We do whatever it takes to win! Remember who you are.. you're badass.. you don't give a shit,, you kick ass.. you're Cobra Kai" Sensei said
"COBRA KAI!!" I shouted loudly as everyone cheer with me saying it
"All right, guys let's get down there and kick the shit out of everybody" Sensei said as we all shouted 'Yeah' as we go to grab our gi out of our backpacks.
"No.. you're not wearing those" Sensei said as we all stopped looking at him confused.

Sensei then grabbed the bag he brought with him handing out new gi to us, but these ones were black and yellow. I liked them they look a lot more cooler. I can't wait for Rosalie to see me in this. We all went to the locker room to change into our new gi.

"wait until Rosalie sees you in your new gi Miguel... she'll think you look hot and definitely want you back after seeing you in this" Hawk said to me as I chuckled at him as he cheer me up about Rosalie.
"Let's hope so Hawk... but I'm not getting my hopes up because Rosalie care about me more than just my looks" I said to him knowing he's right but I know Rosalie loves me for my kinds and other things about me other than me just being hot.
"true but look at us Man, we're Cobra Kai any babes would want to be with us" Hawk said trying to get me pumped up and excited but I couldn't because I want Rosalie here.
"Yeah true *sighed* but you know I only want and love Rosalie... she's the only girl for me... no one could replace her" I said sad looking at the floor as I tie my belt around my gi missing her.
"Yeah I know man *patting my back* Don't worry I'll help you get her back" Hawk said as I smiled at him
"Thanks Man" I said as we smiled at each other doing out bro high five.

Once Hawk left I grabbed my phone that was sitting on the bench by my backpack as I unlock my phone see the picture of me and Rosalie I tear up a little missing her so much, but I toughen up trying not to cry as I go into my messages to try to text Rosalie. I hope she replies back to me, but I have a bad feeling she won't. "Hey Rosalie can we talk please 😥I really am sorry for what I did to you last night, I'm so so sorry 💔💔😩 can you please text me back... I miss you,💋💔💗 I'd be so happy if you came to the tournament to cheer for Cobra Kai... I would love to see you today, bye I love you 😘Rose" I texted her before walking out of the locker room sad and missing her while I hope she comes to the tournament.

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