Chapter 8

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3 months had passed they were enjoying every single day but one day Taehyung was rushed in the hospital.

"D-dad, Vantae... Hes here in St. Dominic Hospital--"

"Calm down, Sana. Ill be there in 10 minutes."

Sana was waiting outside the operating room. She was nervous as hell. Her hands are shaking and her sweat kept on falling.

"Please Lord, just this once. Please let Taehyung survive. I will do anything. I will not say bad words anymore or get angry even in those smallest things. Please let my love survive." Sana whispered. Her tears started falling as her heart aches a lot. "Please..."

"Water?" Sana looked up when she heard a voice. A woman's voice.


"Everything will be okay." The girl smiled. She has a long brown hair and also an adorable bunny teeth. Her smile was real. "Everything happens for a reason."

The girl stood up and was about to walk away when Sana asked "What's your name?"

"Nayeon. Lim Nayeon." The girl bid her goodbye.

Sana calmed herself down. My Vantae is strong. He can fight this one. He is strong.

"Sana-ya!" Taehyung's father called. "What happened?"


Vantae was busy in his office while Sana was playing with her phone. She realised that It was almost dinner time so she volunteers herself to cook for their dinner.

"Taeee! Ill cook dinner okay?"

"Alright, love!"

She tied her hair and put an apron on. "Lets cook!"

An hour passed when everything was prepared she went on Taehyung's office.

"Tae? Dinner's ready." No one answered "Tae? Yuhooo." Sana was getting anxious.

When she opened the door. She saw Taehyung laying on the ground-- unconscious.

Sana was rooted on the place. She didnt know what to do. Her hands were shaking and her knees felt weak. "Tae..."

She took a deep breath as she calls the hospital. "Please... Help my vantae.." that was the last words she said before the call ended.

End of Flashback...

"Taehyung is a strong boy, Sana...He told me that he will build a family with you. He will fight for himself, for me, for you, for us. So be strong also. You are his power source."


"He promised that he will take care of you. Such a good boy isnt he? You belong with him. He needs someone cheerful and positive like you. He hated life but recently because of you the old postive smiley Tae came back. Thank you, Sana."

V's dad hugged Sana like she was his own daughter. Sana's tears fell. She loves Vantae so much. She never felt this before. Feeling love and so much joy.

Hours and hours passed when the door of the operating room opened. The surgeon stepped outside, in font of Sana and Taehyung's dad.

"I'm sorry... We did our best."

"W-what do you mean?" Sana's voice was shaking. "Why are you sorry?"

"Patient Kim Taehyung, passed away..."


A/N : Sorry. 😽


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