《 A New Outcast 》

Start from the beginning

"Who cares?... I can't go back..." Bakugou replied as he tried to walk further away from them but they kept following him

"Oh so you're an outcast! That's great so are we!" (Kaminari) assured to him, since they were runaways from their homes even at this young age.

Kaminari and Sero both came from other kingdoms and left it, Kirishima was from The Pride Lands, he lived in Bakugou's kingdom although, they have never really met before.

"What did you do?" (Kirishima) asked in curiousity since he was sure that he lived in his kingdom

"Doesn't matter, I don't wanna talk about it, plus I don't even know you people" Bakugou responded back at the three kids that he didn't even know.

"Oh, I'm Kirishima!"

Bakugou didn't reply and stayed quiet, he didn't really ask for their names, he just complained about it since he didn't want to remember his situation he put himself in.

"Not much of a talker, that's fine plus we didn't wanna hear about it" Kaminari replied as he shrugged his silence off.

"Then why the fuck shitty hair asked me in the first place?!" Bakugou thought annoyingly as his face also showed annoyance.

"C'mon, Kaminari..." Sero nudged his friend "Anything we can do?"

"Not unless you can change the past..."

"You know, in times like this, my friend Kaminari always says that, You gotta put your past behind you" Kirishima said to comfort Bakugou that he's not alone on having personal problems.

"Exactly, Look bro, Bad things happen and you can't do anything about it, right?" Kaminari added


"WRONG! Whem the world turns it's back on you, you turn your back on the world!" Kaminari exaggerated but it was somewhat inspirational.

"Well, that's not what I was taught"

"Then maybe you need a new lesson, Ok repeat after me." Kaminari instructed sternly before saying "Hakuna Matata"

"Hakuwhat???" Bakugou asked extremely confunsed at the saying

"Hakuna Matata." Sero repeated again for him "It means no worries" Kirishima explained

Bakugou was slightly confused and slightly annoyed at their attemps of them trying to make him understand until they started singing

Hakuna Matata
What a wonderful phrase~
Hakuna Matata
Ain't no passin' craze~~

Bakugou felt slightly relieve that they weren't much as annoying but the singing did made him feel only a little irratated but he learned to get used to it since he had a feeling he would be stuck with them for the rest of his life.

It means no worries for the rest of days~
Its our problem free
Hakuna Matata

"Hakuna Matata?" Bakugou still questioned about the strange word.

"It's our Motto!" Kirishima exclaimed

"What's a motto?"

"Nothing, what's a motto with you?" Kaminari quickly joked before the three started laughing at it while Bakugou had a stern face from that terrible joke, he wasn't really a fond of jokes or corny stuff neither did he find them funny.

"You know bro, these two words will solve all your problems!" Sero added in

"That's right! Take us for examples" Kaminari reccomended

Before Bakugou could complain that he didn't want to hear their backstory, they started singing all about their pasts as Bakugou just grumpily sat down and continued to listen to there exaggerations, one part sucked that he was going to spend the rest of his life with them because he knows they won't leave him alone, but one the bright side, he wasn't going to be alone further on even though they were idiots to his point of view, at the end of their exaggerations, he was left dumbfounded.


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