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During filming of Umbrella Academy

"So when the I say action your going to fall to the floor and scream. Remember to clutch your ears" instructed Jeremy Slater. "Just imagine that green screens a time hole or whatever the fuck it is."

"JEREMY" yelled Robert. "There are children on set."

Serene rolled her eyes, as did Aidan.


Serene fell to the ground, clutching her ears and screaming. Everyone got in their positions and began to act. It was hard with Serene's constant screams.

"It's a black hole or some sort of temporal anomaly" yelled Tom, staring at the green screen.

David paused to think about his line. He couldn't concentrate much from the loud screaming in which he wanted to rip his ears off.

"Line" he yelled.

"Cut" Jeremy yelled.

Serene stopped screaming and began to clear her throat. Someone from the crew came to give her water so she could hydrate her dry throat.

"David your line is 'that's a big difference Paul Bunion'" said Jeremy. "From the top."

"Your lungs okay?" asked Jeremy.

Serene nodded, taking a final sip of water.


As the sound clicked Serene was sent to the floor and began to scream and writhe like she was in pain. As Elliot ran to her to check up she continued to scream.

"Oh fuck" Elliot clutched his ear.


"What now?"

Serene stopped screaming and got up to get more sips of water. She needed a lot of water if she was going to keep screaming because who knew how long they were going to take.

"Sorry" Elliot apologized, "Serene was screaming in my ear and it hurt."

Jeremy grumbled. "From the top."

The scene reset and Serene was 3/4ths done with her water. She set it down, kindly asking another crew member to get her some more bottle of water. She rubbed her throat that was beginning to get sore.

"You guys are lucky you get to wear ear muffs" said David. "You don't have to hear this ear rape."

"Fuck off David" Serene rolled her eyes. "Maybe remember your line next time."

"Ok, ready everyone?" asked Jeremy and everyone nodded. "Scene 8, take 3."

"And action."

Serene for the third time collapsed to the floor and begun to scream and writhe in pain. Elliot rushed to her side as Tom and David warned everyone to stay back.

It wasn't until Robert was supposed to throw the fire extinguisher into the green screen that everything went to shit. He broke through the bodies and launched the fire hydrant at the green screen where is hit the floor with a loud thump.

The fire hydrant landed on the floor, exploding into many different pieces and the white foam shooting everywhere in a close proximity. Serene closed her eyes as her face was hit with a white foam and her it rained foam on her body.

They all turned to Robert who was sheepishly wiping foam off of his head.

"CUT!!" yelled Jeremy.

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