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nicky harper🤪

nicky harper🤪:
you know you take an extremely long time to get ready

i'm almost done i swear, just grabbing
some coffee and i'll meet
you down stairs

nicky harper🤪:
hurry up we're going to be late
for auditions

you do know i'm only going to
cheer you on like the hype woman i am
correction: amazing hype woman i am🤩

nicky harper🤪:
i know, but i would appreciate it if
we could be on time for the actual thing

yeah i know i'm sorry i'm coming down like right now

nicky harper🤪:
you know you should really try out for the
part as echo cause you would be great for it

nicky harper🤪:
you're a fantastic actress and it is about superhero's which is your specialty

well their not really superhero's per say
more like anti heros cause your character
literally is an assassin

nicky harper🤪:
i'm not playing five though

                                                                                                                                                                                                            as of yet
                                                                                                                                                              you really should have more faith
                                                                                                                                                in yourself cause ur a good actor nicky😚

nicky harper🤪:
you say such nice things and then
call me nicky, it's just so contradicting

i know nicky, it's the whole point

nicky harper🤪:
i hate you, you know that?

we all know that's a lie
you love me

nicky harper🤪:
just hurry up and get down here
and pls actually consider auditioning for echo

i'll think about it and i have arrived

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