Chapter 4

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It was cold.

Not even the sleeping bag could warm me. I heard voices. It took me a moment to realize where I was. I was in the basement of the base. And it was morning. I opened my eyes to be greeted with the grey wall of lockers next to me. I turned around and saw that John was already up and fixing is cap. „Good morning, sleeping beauty. Duty calls. Do you want a coffee?" I rolled my eyes and turned back around. „How can someone be so cheerful in the morning?" I muttered. I never understood people that could wake up and be productive. „A coffee it is" John said and got up. I turned around fast and almost sat up completely „With a little bit of milk and 2 sugar, please." I said.

John turned around and walked some steps backwards „Everything for the princess" he had a childish smile on his face. I just rolled my eyes again „Oh shut up. I am already getting up" I said while I actually menaged to move my legs over the edge of the bed. I put on my shoes and grabbed my bag on the way to get ready for the day. When I came back, John was already sitting at the table with two cups of coffee in front of him. I wasn't even sitting when he started to talk.

„So... I met Faye and she said that our main priority is to find Jessica Kandel, Captain Roy Benitez and Paul Rhodes. These persons are the head of medical, security and tech wings of the base. I would start with Kandel first because she is the closest one. After that, we'll see." I took a sip of my coffee and let all that information sink in. It would be for sure a difficult task but it was worth the risk.

„Alright. Sounds like a plan. What is the last known location of Kandel?" John opnened the map while drinking is coffee. „She is held prisoner in a mall not far from here. Apparently she was there with her team to collect samples of the virus when a group of Rikers attackted. Now they are forcing them to take care of their injuries." I studied the map. It was indeed not far from our location. „Ok. Lets do this. But please... I need something to eat first." We agreed on eating something befor we would rescue Kandel, then we made our way outside.

The sun was blinding me. It was bitter cold outside and it almost looked like the sun was laughing at us and what we've done. On our way to the mall we came across some people that were looking for food and water. We helped them as good as possible by giving them some snacks, water or medi kits. Just because the system failed doesn't mean that the humanity is gone as well.

„There is the mall. No people in sight. Do you see something?" I asked John. „Nope. Nothing. They are probably hurled up inside, waiting for idiots like us to march in." he answered. He wasn't wrong with that. Who would walk into a mall full of Rikers with a team consisting out of two people. You actually have to be insane to willingly do that.

„Then lets go. To a short and painful death." With that we walked into the seemingly empty mall. It didn't really took long for us to find the first Rikers. „I scan the area" I said while taking cover behind a counter. John was taking cover behind the counter on my right side. The scanner marked our targets. There were only 4 of them in this area. Three on my side and one on Johns. I gave him a sign with my hand that I would take the one on his side, while he covers me so we can concentrate on the rest on the left side. He noded and I counted down. On the last number we both started to shoot at the Rikers. They were all gone befor they even realized what was happening.

„You take the stairs and secure our way out. I take the elevators and suprise them upstairs." I said to John. „Alright. Don't die." He simply said and walked into the direction of the stairs.

The elevator was of course not working but that was the plan. I opened up the heavy doors and secured my gear at the cable that would normally move the elevator. I climbed up until there was another door. The luck was on my side because this time the door was open.

I made my way inside and could already hear the voices of the captors.

Slowly I approached the noice and saw that they were on the other side in a diner. Between us was a big gab were you could look down at the lower level. That gab between me and the Rikers was actually not that bad. The diner had an open kitchen were I could see the captors guarding the medical team.

„In position" I said through my earpiece. „Took your sweet time. Ready to approach?" came the answer. „Ready. Open fire." And with that I came out of my cover and fired at the Rikers. I could also hear the shots from the stairs and the cries of the dying men. Slowly I drowned out every sound. My focus was completely on killing each and every last one of them. I kept firing and changing my position. During the fight I walked around the gab and was on the outer side of the diner now, ready to break through the door. I kicked it open and was holding up my gun when suddenly I was aware of everything. The smell of old fries and fresh blood. The whimpering of the medical staff and the Riker that was holding a gun to Kandels head.

„Put the gun down or she dies." said the Riker. I was still aiming my gun at him, thinking of a solution. „Put the gun down. You don't have to kill her. Just let her go and I'll let you walk away" I said in a calm voice. I knew when I would put down my weapon I would surely die and I also knew that he couldn't shoot her because he would lose his advantage. „HAHA. You think I am stupid?!" he was pushing the gun harder to her head. „The moment I let her walk, you'll put a bullet between my eyes. This is not how it works, missy." He was pointing the gun at me now.

I moved really really slowly because I saw a movement on the left side. I needed to buy time. „Listen. All your buddies are dead. What do you wanna do now? Where do you want to go? It's not to late to change. You could have a second chance." I was well aware that this was the kind of stuff that people used to say in movies, where the hero always wins and the villian never dies. But this was real. Then the gun went off.

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