Chapter 1

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I was sitting in my apartment with my boyfriend and his best friend. We've been hurled up in here for weeks now and I started to get really annoyed. It was turning dark outside which means that it's the most dangerous time of the day now. During the night, the Cleaners and the Rikers are coming out of their hiding spots to torment and kill innocent people. We've been hiding here for a while now because we have more than enough food and water supplies to make it at least through the next month. I turned to my boyfriend and said „I'll check the curtains. You can start to light up the candles." I stood up and made my way over to the windows. When this shit began to go down, we taped newspapers over the windowns and pulled the curtains closed. The less people know we are here, the better.

Everything seemd to be in order so I made my way over to the little kitchen. I could hear the boys in the living room talking about conspiracy theories of agents and a planned biotec weappons. I just smirked to myself. I was waiting to finally get the call to leave this smelly apartment behind.

I opened a can of chicken soup and put it on top of the selfmade oven. It was actually made out of 3 big candles, a grill grate and 3 empty milk bottles. It didn't take long for the soup to heat up so I poured it into a bowl and made my way back into the living room. It's now completely dark outside. As soon as I entered the living room the boys stopped talking and looked into my direction. The candles were still scattered across the room and the only source of light was the flashlight that was laying on the table. „Why do you have something to eat and we don't?" asked my boyfriend Daniel. He was actually a nice guy but not really intelligent. His best friend Mike was sitting on the couch next to him and just noded. I gave them both a sweet smile and answered in a sickly nice voice „The kitchen is over there, my love. If you want something to eat... then go and get it yourself. You couldn't even light up the candles. So why should I listen to you when you don't listen to me?". There was a moment of silence and the two men looked at me as if I was a three headed dog. Without saying a word Mike stood up first and walked into the kitchen. Not even three seconds after Mike vanished, Daniel stood up and muttered something to himself while he walked into the kitchen as well.

I sat down on the couch but something catched my attention. There were voices outside on the street. It sounded like someone was shouting out orders. And then there was the sound of a gun being shot down the hallway.

Without a warning the door was kicked in and in the doorway stood a man. Because the only light inside the apartment was the flashlight on the table and the mans flashlight, I couldn't make out much. But wat I could make out was that he was holding a gun. And he was pointing it at me.

Then we heard the sound of footsteps coming from the kitchen. The mans attention turned to the door were Daniel and Mike stood dumbfounded. The mans attention was on the two guys now which was a mistake. I was still holding the bowl with hot soup and without thinking, I was throwing it at the intruder. He was taken of guard and stopped pointing the gun at me because he was holding his arm in pain. The distraction worked and I jumped over the small coffee table right infornt of the now really angry guy. I pushed his arm away and he fired a shot. At the same time I kicked him in the belly and he doubled over while groaning. When he was leaning over, I took ahold of his hand that was still holding the gun and twisted his arm around. The guy was bigger than me but now he was laying at me feet. I took the gun easily out of his hand and shot him in the head.

The shot would probably attract other members of his group and I knew that, so i turned around and I was right. At the end of the hallway was one of his buddies. I shot him on sight then I ducked behind the wall. There were footsteps coming up the stairs and I quickly checked how many bullets were left. There were only 5 bullets left and I knew that these would never be enough. I leaned to the side and shot the two guys that were coming closer to the apartment. I only had 1 bullet left after that. There were more people running up the stairs. I could detect at least four.

I am not really religous but I sent out a little prayer to make it out alive. Then a shot was fired.

After that there were more shots. But they weren't firing at me anymore. I leaned around the corner carefully and saw how the last riker died. Steps again. They were carefully coming up the steps. I was pointing my gun at the possible threat. I could hear my heart racing with adrenalin, even though my ears were ringing from the shots. The person reached my floor and I droped the gun as soon as I saw the orange circle.

I came out of my hiding spot with a releaved face. I hold up the gun to show that I am not a threat.

„Thank you. I was running out of bullets. You are just in time." I said to the other Division Agent.

He was taller than me with broad shoulders and a cap on his head which was covering his face.

„That's what we are for, right?" he answered with a deep voice and you could practically hear him smirking.

Because of the whole possible dying thing, I totally forgot about Daniel and Mike. These two were standing with open mouths in the doorway now. Daniel was the first to talk. „What was THAT??" he asked totally confused and obviously in shock. Mike was shaking his head slowly. He was between amazement and confusion. „How... Where did you learn all that?"

The Division Agent looked at me and asked „These two belong to you?". To say that I was embaressed was an understatement. In that moment I wished the earth would open up and swallow me whole. I just noded my head, not able to safe the awkward situation. The other agent just chuckled, then we suddenly heard a noice.

This was the noice I was waiting for my whole life. This is what I've been trained to do.

The watch on my left hand showed an orange circle. I was activated.

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