Chapter 3

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We went inside the base and it was horrible. It was a mess. There were boxes everywhere, papers were on the floor, tables overthrown. There was not the slightest bit of structure. John and I shared a look of utter disbelieve. We both knew that there was a lot of work to do until we can call this a real base.

„It was bad yesterday. But now it's even worse now" he just said while putting his cap back on. I was at a loss of words. Luckily a JTF officer came over to us. „Agents? Faye Lau wants to talk to you now. She is in the medical wing." then he turned around and walked away. John snorted next to me. I gave him a confused look. „What's so funny?" I asked him. „Just remember his words... 'medical wing'... you should see it for yourself." He made his way over to a door and opened it for me. „Ladys first" he said. I wanted to say thank you but the view on the so called 'medical wing' stunned me. There wasn't anything that looked like a medical wing at all. When the entrance was a mess then this was a disaster.

„Oh jesus..." I just managed to say while I fully stepped into the room. John leaned in to me and whispered „Told you". Then we were called over by the one and only Faye Lau herself. „Agents! Over here. Sorry that I can't get up and give you a proper welcome party but as you can see, the situation is bad. The first wave of agents is mostly dead. Some are still missing. The biggest problem is, that you two are the only agents that are in the area. Manhattan is completly isolated from the rest and we can't get any new agents in because the cleaners are handling the port and the places were a heli could come down are mostly handled by the rikers or worse... are in the dark zone. We should try to build up the base first so we can help the civilians. After that we can take care of everything else. You are free for the rest of the night. Just ask the JTF officers where you can lay down. See you two in the morning. Then we'll start to get the city back."

John and I noded. „See you in the morning. And get well soon." I said befor I turned around. John said his goodbyes to Faye Lau as well and we entered the main room again.

„We are the only ones... wow." I said to John. He just chuckled „Unbelievable. How could that even happen? You know what? I don't care. I just need sleep. You comin'?"

„You are not the only one that could needs a little bit of sleep. You said you were here since yetserday... Then you know where we can store our things and have at least 2 hours of sleep?" I asked him. I wanted to get as much sleep as possible. It was only 10pm but you never know when you can sleep again. „Just because I was activated yesterday... doesn't mean I was sleeping here" he winked at me. I just rolled my eyes. I paid more attention to my surroundings now. Some of the staff members kept looking at us. It seemed like one half of them would think that we would save them. The other half looked like they thought we were total pricks.

I turned to a passing JTF Officer and asked nicely „Sorry, we just arrived. Where can we stay for the night?" This officer seemed nice and smiled warmly at us. „It's great that you are here now. Down in the basement. There are some camp beds and lockers." I smiled back at the officer and thanked him. We made our way into the basement. It wasn't really welcoming but it was better than sleeping on the floor. There was a large room filled with camp beds. Lockers were lining the walls. There were 4 tables with chairs across the room. Because we were in the basement, the only form of light were candles and some flashlights. On some of the camp beds were officers sleeping. Others looked used. There were only a few that looked like they were new.

John and I made our way towards the far back of the room. There were two camp beds unused and a table was standing in between them. I took the bed on the left side between a locker and the table, while John took the right bed between the table and another bed were an officer is already sleeping. We put our gear into the lockers and got ready to go to bed. This could be the last time I can go to sleep that easily.

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