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On Black Friday 2015, a viral pademic, transmitted by a virus planted on banknotes, sweeps through New York City. The disease, known as „The Dollar Flu", causes widespread chaos and major cities are placed under quarantine.

That caused a nation wide panic to spread even faster than the actual virus. It was all over the news at the beginning, until there were no news anymore. The programms were taken over by the CDC, telling the people to keep calm. All the radio stations went dead and were replaced by a national emergency warning. The normally jolly streets of NY are now filled with trash and the smell of rotting flesh.

Besides the black bags of normal rubbish were yellow and blue bags, filled with contaminated clothes and the bodys that caused the horrible smell. In the beginning they burried the corpses but now there are way to many to put them into mass graves. So the bags are pilling on the outside of empty houses and unused streets.

But lately it's not only the virus that is dangerous. The stores are empty. People hungry. There is no food. No water. No heating. But there are gangs. People that are not killing for food or water. They are killing just for the sports. They are hunting people down. They are taking what they can get and keeping everything to themselves. These people are controlling the streets now.

But even these gangs are afraid of the people that call themselfes 'the cleaners'. They claim to rid the city of the virus by burning everything and everyone to the ground. They don't stop for anything and they don't care about anyone.

And there is nobody left to stop them. All the people that were keeping the system alive are dead. There is no police officer or firefighter left. And that's when I get activated.

My name is Tess Miller and I am a Division agent.

The Division AgentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora