Chapter 51. The hidden queen

Start from the beginning

The information was not much, but for the curious women who wanted to know about the mysterious Luna that had been hidden by his highness for the past few years, it was more than enough.

The king had finally found his mate after so many years, but instead of customarily introducing her to the alphas, he had hidden her deep inside the Royal Palace, deepening their curiosity of her identity more and more as time passed.

The chattering group of friends had thought at first that the king was ashamed of his mate, and did not dare openly show her, but this rumor was soon dispersed. The hard working king that normally traveled a lot, and handled so many things by himself in the past, changed overnight.

Previously, his highness having no immediate family and no hobbies or other things he particularly liked doing in his personal time, had immersed himself in work, dealing with things even outside the scope of a king. Even smaller problems that could be handled by others, as long as he had enough time, he would deal with them himself.

But now each opportunity he got, he would delegate the work to others, and had also diminished his travels, accompanying his mate within their private quarters. Even his office was moved to his private quarters, as he dealt with the work that was imperious to be handled only by him there.

He had also lavished the woman with expensive gifts, and followed her every whim, their sources told them. Not to mention, the councilmembers had also met her and praised the woman, even though they never allowed her identity to be known.

So the rumored motive of keeping her identity hidden changed, and now it became known that the king was so in love with his mate, having waited for her for decades, thus only wanted to keep her to himself for some years before allowing others to know of her.

"It seems that his highness had found two idle maids gossiping a few days ago, as he was passing through the corridor. The two girls were talking about the Luna, wondering just how beautiful the queen is.

When they realized his highness passed by them, they froze in fear, thinking of what the king would do to them, everyone knows just how ruthless his highness is, when angered. But the king only moved normally, going on ahead as though he did not hear a thing.

Seeing him not stopping and with a face devoid of any reactions, they were finally able to sigh in relief, but their reassurance was short-lived. His highness stopped his steps just barely having walked two three steps away from their position." The woman fervently explained, stopping a bit to build more suspense.

"And then, and then???" Inquired the girls intrigued, curious of the unfortunate fate of the two maids.

The woman smirked, pleased with the attention that was on her and her words, before continuing.

"Then his highness, without looking back at the two, unexpectedly spoke.

"She is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes upon, in the hundred years of my life. I hope this satisfies your curiosity." He said, before resuming his steps accompanied by his beta."

They all squealed at the information, jealous of the woman who was his mate.

"As expected of the mate of the king." Nodded another woman, firmly believing the power the queen had on the king.

"Yeah. She is surely the most beautiful woman, how could she not be perfect being paired with the strongest werewolf? Honestly, I was scared a bit five years ago when your sister accompanied the king to the winter ball.

I was afraid that she would become his lover, by taking advantage of him having no mate, and inserting herself in his life. Who knows what your elder sister would do to us, lying that we bullied her. She might have even asked the king to decimate us. Luckily, his highness found his mate soon after." Affirmed another woman sighing. Celia's position as a watcher was frightening enough, but as the queen it was terrifying. As a watcher he had rules she had to follow, and could not just come and take revenge against them without any reasons, but as a queen...

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