Ch 17: New Friends (Eric C)

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I frowned, looking at the page in my sketchbook before looking back at the picture of Bruce. It was pretty much done, but it still didn't look perfect. It was still missing something. My frown deepened as I added some more shadows before picking up the eraser and removing some shadows somewhere else. "Damn," I murmured, going back to adding more shading. 

"Whatcha working on?" 

I jumped, pencil twitching across the page and leaving a fresh line on Bruce's face where there most definitely wasn't supposed to be one. "Shit!" I cried. "Oh damn Eric I'm so sorry!" Gene said, giving me a horrified look. "Oh shit I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you! I-I thought you heard me come into the room!" I shrugged, grabbing the eraser and gingerly trying to undo my mistake. "Nah, it's fine, don't worry about it! It's just across his cheek, it's not bad." Gene grinned, leaning against my desk and looking at the sketchbook. "Damn, you really just went like full on obsessed with him. Gonna start hanging pictures on the wall too?" he teased.

Face red, I scowled at him. "Shut up! It's for my art class! And it's consensual! He knows I'm drawing him, he modeled for it!" I snapped. With a laugh, Gene ruffled my hair. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. When're you going to tell him?" he asked. "Tell him what?" "That you love him, obviously." "Fucking never," I muttered, going back to staring at my drawing. Gene looked over my shoulder, faint frown of his own pulling at his lips. "Here, maybe add some shading there. See, in the photo he's got his hair over his forehead, it's casting a shadow across his eye there, you don't have it very dark on the drawing," he said, pointing at the areas he was talking about. 

Nodding, I glanced between the reference photo and the sketchbook, giving him a smile. "Hey yeah you're right! Damn, thanks man! I didn't know you liked to draw too and stuff," I said. He shrugged, moving over to his desk and throwing his backpack on his bed. "Yeah, I like it. I don't do it often, mainly just as like a stress reliever I guess. I mainly use pens though, I don't really do pencil stuff." "You draw with pens or you ink your drawings?" He grinned. "Mainly ink my drawings. I'm not brave enough to go pen to paper," he said. "I don't blame you," I said, going back to my portrait. 

"Damn, this is due tomorrow, I gotta get this done," I mumbled. "Hey, it looks good! Don't add too much stuff to it, otherwise you'll go too far and you'll mess it up," he said, looking at his phone with a frown. "Hm, good point. This is probably good," I said, taking a picture and sending it to Bruce. Gene rose to his feet, smiling faintly, and picked up his backpack. "Where're you going?" I asked. "Gonna go out with Paul to work on school," he said, hand on the doorknob. "Ohh, out like on a date?" I asked, but he shook his head, laughing. "Nah. He's just a friend. Besides, I'm spending the night in a girl's room tonight," he said with a grin.

Rolling my eyes, I went back to staring at the drawing, grateful that at least he was going to be sleeping over in a room where I wouldn't have a chance to walk in on them. My phone buzzed and I looked at the text from Bruce with a grin. 

Holy shit it's so good! Damn man you're so talented!!

Aw thanks! You're a good model lol

Hey I'm happy to model for any more projects you've got in the future
Except maybe nude modeling ;) 

I stared at my phone, face absolutely crimson, before giggling nervously, trying to think of an answer. 

Haha yeah don't worry about that, I don't think we need to do anything with nude models
I might use you for other things tho!

Yeah sounds good! You'll have to lmk what grade you get on it bc if it's not an A I'll fight ur professor lol

A smile spread across my face and I hugged the phone to my chest. "Aww he's such a sweetheart. Damn, I love him so much," I murmured. Heart starting to race, I looked at my phone, frowning as I started to type out a message.

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