Ch 3: RAs (Eric S)

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There was a knock at my door and I let out a sigh, setting aside my book and pulling open the door. I was expecting it to be one of my dormlings, but to my pleasant surprise my boyfriend was standing there with his hands behind his back, giving me a smile. "Hey babe!" he said. Smiling, I stood up on my toes and kissed him. "Hello my dear! What are you doing here?" Tommy's smile got bigger and he pulled his hands out from behind his back, handing me the gift bag he was holding. "Happy birthday!" he said.

My heart absolutely melted and I accepted the bag from him. "Aww, dumbass, it's not even close to my birthday," I said, wrapping my arms around him. He laughed, hugging me back. "I know, I know. I just wanted to get you something! Sort of like a start of the school year gift. I mean come on, am I not allowed to give my boyfriend a gift when I want to?" he asked, running a hand through my hair and giving me a kiss. "Oh shut up, stop being so defensive. You know I love you no matter what," I grumbled, giving him a smile. "I know you do. Now come on, open it! I wanna see if you like it!" he said eagerly. I pulled out the wrapping paper, feeling my smile widen as I lifted out a green bandana with cats on it. "This is literally so cute and I love it so much," I said, immediately switching it out with the one I was already wearing.

"Aww you look adorable! So can I come in your room or am I stuck out in the hallway?" he teased, and I rolled my eyes, grabbing his hand and yanking him into my room. "Of course you can come in! Why wouldn't I want to hang out with you? You're my boyfriend, after all," I said, sitting on his lap as he sat on my bed. "Mm that's true, and I'm very glad I am," he said with a smile, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. "As much as I love you though, you do annoy me," I grumbled. "What?! How?!" he cried.

"It's really annoying that I wanna go on an evening date with you but then I always feel guilty if I'm away from all my little dormlings," I said with a sigh, leaning back against him. Tommy grinned, kissing me on the forehead. "I know, I know. The downside of being an RA." "The free housing and meal plan is a huge plus though," I mused, before giving him a glare. "And besides! If you had just requested to be assigned to the same fucking dorm as me, we wouldn't have this issue, now would we?" I snapped.

Laughing, he ran a hand through my hair. "Oh, hush. I've already said I'm sorry!" "Well apologize again because it would've made our lives so much easier," I muttered, knowing damn well I could never actually be mad at him. "I mean you know we're not the only RAs in the building. We could totally get away with you being over at my room or me being over at your room," he murmured, running a hand along my thigh, and I quivered, melting at his touch before sticking my tongue out at him. "We could. And yet we won't, because I feel bad." "You and your rules," he said with a sigh, and I gave him a shove. "Yeah no shit I follow the rules! I'm an RA, I'm supposed to enforce the rules! If I don't do that, the kids aren't gonna respect me or like me or anything."

With a fond smile, he gave me a kiss. "Shh, calm down. They respect you! You're a good RA, don't worry about it. Anyway, you mind if I chill for a bit here? We could like watch a movie and cuddle," he said, giving me a smirk since he knew full well I wasn't going to say no to that. "You only want to do that because I have a TV in my room and you don't," I grumbled, but he shook his head, giving me a squeeze. "No! I wanna do it because I love you! And I've missed holding you in my arms. Come on, please?" I frowned, looking at him, and he gave me a hopeful smile. "Ugh, fine. You know I love you too much to say no." "You know you love me," he said with a grin, giving me a squeeze and lying back on my bed, pulling me back with him. "Now come on, let's watch a movie!" 

I snuggled deeper against Tommy's side, resting my head on his chest, and he smiled, giving me a kiss and pulling the blankets higher over us without tearing his eyes away from the TV. "Mm you're comfy," I murmured, and he gave me a squeeze. "I like when you lean on me. It feels nice. Like a weighted blanket, but my boyfriend." I rolled my eyes, closing my eyes and letting myself be soothed by the steady rise and fall of his chest. "Oh shut up. You know you love me," I grumbled. "I do very much love you. Now shhh, I'm trying to watch the movie," he said, putting a finger against my lips.

Rolling my eyes, I gently bit his finger and he jerked his hand away with a yelp. "Hey! Rude!" he cried. "Shhh I'm trying to watch the movie," I teased. He ruffled my hair, slipping an arm around my waist before kissing me on the forehead. "Love you." "Love you too," I said, pecking him on the cheek and going back to the movie, perfectly content to be snuggled up against his side. I ended up so comfortable in his arms that I accidentally fell asleep with my head resting on his chest. 

There was a sudden knock on my door and I sat up, looking around in confusion before realizing I had fallen asleep and Tommy had too. "Oh shit. That wasn't supposed to happen," I said, stretching with a yawn and detaching myself from Tommy, blowing him a kiss before carefully clambering over him. Yawning again, I ran a hand through my hair, readjusting my headband before pulling open my door. "Hey Eric what's up?" I asked. "Um I'm sorry to wake you up but I got locked out of my room and my phone's in there and the service desk is closed and so I'm supposed to call them but I can't since I don't have my phone and my roommate isn't answering the door, 'cause I think he's asleep," he said sheepishly.

"Oh shit wait what time is it?" I asked. "Uhh like 12 I think? I guess he went to sleep kinda early." Wincing, I nodded. "Okay hold on let me grab my phone and I'll call the service desk for you," I said, walking back into my room. "Here you want to try calling your roommate first?" I asked, handing him my phone, and he nodded, dialing his number. We both waited as it rang before he grinned. "Hey! Hey sorry to wake you up but can you open the door? I kinda got locked out," he said. There was a pause before he nodded. "Alright sounds good, I'll head down the hall. Thanks Gene!" he said, hanging up and handing my phone back to me. "Sorry to wake you up," he mumbled, but I just shrugged. "Nah, it's fine! I wasn't supposed to be asleep anyway. See you later!" I said, giving him a wave as he headed down the hall.

Yawning, I walked back over to my bed, snuggling next to Tommy again and kissing him on the cheek. "You're here late, you should head home," I muttered. "Mm f-five more minutes," he mumbled, rolling over and wrapping his arms around me. I smiled in spite of myself, closing my eyes and going back to resting on his chest. "Five more minutes," I murmured, with both of us knowing damn well I'd let him stay over for longer than five minutes. 

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