Ch 10: Thanks Vin (Peter)

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"Oh hey I'm gonna be gone this afternoon, I'm going out with my boyfriend," I said casually. My roommate looked up from his phone, giving me an almost disgusted look, and I felt my heart sink. "You're a fucking homo?" he spat. "I mean...I'm gay, yeah," I said slowly. "Figures I'd get stuck with a fucking fruit," he said under his breath, going back to his phone.

I winced, running a hand through my hair. "Right," I said after a pause. "Um, anyway. I'm gonna head out," I said, pulling on my shoes and walking out the room as he muttered more insults at me behind my back. I brushed it off, trying to tell myself it was nothing and it would be fine, but I couldn't shake the feeling it was going to end very, very poorly.

Unable to get rid of the uneasy feeling, I walked downstairs, meeting Ace outside my dorm and giving him a smile. "Hey doll!" I said, about to give him a kiss before hesitating, looking back over my shoulder at the dark windows of my room. Ace frowned, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. "You good?" he asked, brushing a strand of hair out of my eyes. "Uh...y-yeah. Yeah, just had a bit of a disagreement with my roommate, but it'll be fine. Now come on, let's go! You promised me lunch this afternoon and I'm holding you to that."

With a smile, Ace gave me a quick kiss before dragging me off down the sidewalk. "Well then let's go!"

After a really nice date with my boyfriend that unfortunately couldn't last forever, I swiped my keycard, walking into my room and freezing. Lucas wasn't there, which was nice, but what wasn't nice was the fact that my half of the room was looking significantly worse for wear than it had been yesterday. My posters had been basically ripped off the wall, and everything from my desk was now on the floor.

"Oh shit," I murmured, stepping back out of the room, letting the door close behind me. Taking a deep breath, I ran a hand through my hair and walked down the hall to my RA Vinnie's room. "Please be in, please be in," I said, knocking on the door. There was a long pause before the door was pulled open and a very obviously hungover Vinnie let out a yawn, leaning on the doorframe. "H-hey Peter. What's up?" he mumbled. "Um can I talk to you about something really important and kind of private?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah sure, come in," he said, opening the door wider. I stepped inside and he ran a hand through his hair, sitting on his bed and motioning for me to take a seat in his desk chair. "Sorry, I'm hella rough right now but I'm listening, trust me," he said with a wince, closing his eyes. Nodding, I sat in the chair, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. "Um okay I'm gay," I said, and he nodded. "Okay. That's totally chill, that's not an issue," he said, and I bit down on my lip. "Well it might be w-with my roommate."

Vinnie's eyes flew open and he sat up a bit more. "How so?" "Okay so I made an offhand comment about how I wasn't gonna be in our room because I was gonna be with my boyfriend for the night and then he asked if I was a "fucking homo" and called me like a fruit and stuff and so I figured it'd be bad but not like that bad but then when I got back to my room this morning he had like kinda trashed my half of it, like he ripped all the posters off my wall and threw everything from my desk onto the floor and stuff," I said in a rush.

Vinnie nodded before rising to his feet and putting a hand on my shoulder. "Okay well obviously we don't want you to stay there. We do have a few empty single rooms on each floor in case of issues like this. I can call the building RA and talk to him about moving you into there if you want," he said. "Yeah that would be really nice." "Cool, lemme call him. Are you okay if I explain the whole situation to him?" he asked, and I nodded. "Yeah, yeah it's fine."

Vinnie grabbed his phone, walking to the other half of his room and calling the building RA. I could hear snatches of their conversation before he hung up, turning to me. "Okay so we're all good for that, if you want to head back to your room and get all your stuff packed, I can get your ID keycard all set up for the new room," he said. "Thanks Vinnie," I mumbled, heading for the door. "Yeah of course. We'll get it worked out," he said, giving me a reassuring smile. "Now why don't you go ahead back to your room and get packed?"

Two hours later, I had just finished tacking up my slightly ruined posters in my new room when there was a knock on my door. I pulled it open, giving Vinnie a smile. He grinned back. "So you get all set up?" he asked, and I nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, thank you for all the help." "Hey don't worry about it! That's my job as your RA. But I am very under the weather so if you don't need anything else, I'm gonna go back to sleep. Lemme know if like...if Lucas starts anything with you or anything," he said with a yawn.

"Will do, thanks. Hope you feel better," I said with a grin. He chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, got a case of the bottle flu. Catch you later!" he said, wandering down the hall with a wave. I sat on my new bed, pulling out my phone and sending a text to Ace.

Babe guess what I just got my own room, u should come and visit me ;)

Ooh don't have to ask me twice! See u in twenty min ;))

Heart melting, I smiled at my phone. At least I was going to get one good thing out of all this.

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