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I didn't get anymore sleep that night. Instead I trudged down to the common room, sipping on a glass of Fire Whiskey. Well it was a glass and then it was a bottle, and then the bottle was in pieces all over the carpet.

Even a whole bottle of Fire Whiskey couldn't numb the pain or forget my nightmare. It only made it flash before my eyes, worse. It seemed clearer and more vivid. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't escape it.

My eyes fell heavy and I fell asleep on the sofa listening to the soft crackling of the fire. When I woke up again it must have only been early morning again because the common room was still empty. My head was pounding and my throat was sore. I instantly regretted drinking the bottle.

I cleared up my mess and stumbled back up to my bed, falling back into the pile of sheets until morning. I decided I would visit Y/N before doing anything else. That would be my top priority. With that in mind I fell back to sleep for the third time that night.

My head was still pounding when I woke up. I dragged myself from bed and changed into fresh robes. I headed straight to the hospital wing just as I had promised myself. No one else was in the infirmary, it was just Y/N.

She laid in the exactly same space as she had last time. She wasn't looking any better. I sat beside her bed again, taking her cold hand in mine.

"The death eaters will attack the school tomorrow, I'm so sorry Y/N" I mumbled.

I felt dreadful for what I was about to let into the school. This would be all my fault. I let go of her hand and made my way towards the great hall for the last time.


As soon as I heard Draco's footsteps walk away I slowly peeled my eyes open. They were sore and itchy. I'd woken up a few hours ago but didn't have the energy to open my eyes and deal with people surrounding me.

I wasn't really sure on what happened. I was pretty sure it was the package from Katie Bell, however she was given that by someone else and I have a feeling I know who. It was meant for Dumbledore but ended up making it's way to me.

Now knowing that the death eaters would attack tomorrow I knew what I had to do. I slowly sat up and Madame Pomfrey instantly rushed to my side. She handed me a glass of water, and started to shove different potions down my throat. I struggled to keep half of them down, they tasted absolutely horrible.

"Now dear you will need to rest in your dorm, but Dumbledore has requested your presence in his office"

"Oh, okay" I wasn't sure what Dumbledore could want with me, but I got up and made my way towards his office.

It wasn't a long walk but on the way I saw many students, who stopped to stare at me. I felt uncomfortable with all the attention and quickened my pace.

As I continued past the nosey students, one person stood out to me the most. Draco, stood frozen across the corridor staring at me. My eyes met his and I also froze for a second. Part of me wanted to run up to him, but then I remembered what he did, who he was.

I walked past him, tears filling my eyes and finally made it to Dumbledore's office, having no idea what he could want.

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