Chapter 11 (Christmas)

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Callie flew down the stairs.
"But you always make lunch for me!"

"No, I make lunch for myself and you decide it's for you too." Marie stated.

"Then why don't you stop me?" Callie asked.

Marie looked up, and stared Callie dead in the eyes.
With a blank expression, she said, "Because I'm tired."

Callie just kind of shrugged.

"That, and also the fact that you'd take some anyway." Marie said, looking back down to her book.

Callie slightly nodded. "I can't really argue with you there."

"I wonder what 3's doing..." Marie said.

She pulled out her phone and went through her contacts, then pressed call in Three's contact.

"Yo." Three answered.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Marie asked.

"Going Christmas shopping." Three responded.

"Christmas Eve is tomorrow. You put it off till the last minute, didn't you?" Marie asked, smiling.

"Mayhaps...." Three said awkwardly.

Marie laughed, making Callie look up.

"Woah. The witch laughed?" Callie asked with a smirk.

"Shut up Callie." Marie retorted.

"Hi Callie!" Three said.

Marie looked up.
"Three says hi."

"Tell him I said hello, and that I like that one pair of underwear he has."

Three stood in the middle of the store confused and scared.
"Everything ok?" Marina asked?

"No..." He said simply.

"Which one?" Marie asked Callie.
"The Spider Man ones? Or the Iron Man?"

Three sunk deeper into hysteria.

"No, the Thomas the Tank engine ones." Callie responded nonchalantly.

"I swear I lock my door, how in the hell-" Three started questioning his sanity.

Marie and Callie laughed, and Three was thinking about filing for a restraining order.

"Hey, Three!" Marina called.
"What do you think about this?"

Three turned around and gasped.
"It's... Perfect." He said.

Tomorrow night (Christmas Eve)

"Sorry we're late, Eight didn't want to leave the bakery." He said.

"The cakes looked so good!" Eight pouted.

"True, but we only needed one. Not ten." He said with a smirk.

She kept pouting.
"I know..."

Pearl stood up upon their entry.
She yelled.

"NOT MUCH CUH! HOW ABOUT YOURSELF?!" Three yells back.


"NO PROBLEM BRUV!!" Three finishes.

"If you're done yelling, come help me with getting food ready, Three."
Marie says from the kitchen doorway with a smirk.

"Aight then." Three says, setting the cake down on the table and walking off.

Eight giggles from the whole encounter, and sits down on the couch.

Questionable Thinking (A Splatoon Harem Story) (DISCONTINUED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz