~If You Dare~

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Me and Riley took our clothes off, exposing our bathing suits. I am, in no way, relaxed or at ease with having this much of my skin showing. Riley walks down the sand dunes like a friggin victoria secret model. I hobbled behind her, putting my faith in the water to hide me once I got in.

"Whooooo. Its a bit chilly," I remarked. In reality, I wanted to scream and run for my life when the water washed over my ankles. But  I had to act tough for my audience behind me.

Austen ran ahead of me, dunking his head into a baby wave. I gawked after him, wishing I had that kind of immunity to the cold. This water is seriously the temperature of Arctic waters, that or I'm just being a wuss. Probably the second option.

I wrapped my arms around myself to preserve some heat, and took another step forward. The sun came out from behind a cloud, encouraging me to go on. Riley was right by my side, us being mutual wusses in this department.

"Come on Bayley. What are you afraid of?" Austen taunted with a big smile. He shook his hair out and whipped it to the side, which I found ridiculously attractive. Hair has got to be the second best facial feature you look for on a guy, apart from their eyes. Austen is covered in both areas, for that matter.

"I wouldn't say it's the fear that's keeping me from-" His splash sent water droplets all up my arms. I yelped, turning in place. Riley caught some of the splash too and shrieked along with me. How dareth he!

"OH!" I said first thing when my teeth were mildy chattering enough to speak, "That's how you wanna play it!" I took no time to tear through the water toward him. I did a couple FIFA kicks of water on him, not that it really affected him since he was already used to it. He returned the favor, and we began the water battle of the century. I laughed when I sent a nice chunk of sand into his chest with a low thud. The fact that it stuck made me double over.

I don't know how it happened, but when the other political party of popular dictatorship saw us messing around, they stripped down to their bathing suits and joined us in the water.  I felt sand slapping me at all angles, and figured I probably looked like a living sandcastle by now. Austen graciously draped seaweed onto my hair.

"AAAAHHH! GET IT OFF!!" I fought the mass of slime off my head and tossed one in Austens direction. He laughed, tearing it off his chest. Riley threw a nicely aimed sandball at Austen. I gathered sand in both hands, letting some of it slip through the cracks of my fingers. While he was distracted getting payback, I came up and got on my tiptoes, drizzling it all over his hair and down his face.

He smiled, meeting me with his piercing blue eyes. The gray stained sand ran down the sides of his face in symmetrical speeds. Instead of reaching up to wipe his face, he bent over. Before I could process what was happening, he had slung me over his shoulder and paraded me around like the American flag.

"You put me down right now! I'm going to fall! I feel myself slipping!" He put an arm around my legs, which was a little uncomfortable.

"I have you, Bayley. I won't let you fall." We ran around the space of people, as he tried to shield me from any unexpected blows. After a bit, he put me down and helped me onto his shoulders. I am normally not subject to this kind of intimacy, but.... Eh, I'll just make an exception this one time.

I got on his shoulders, and he lifted me to skyscraper heighths. Some other couples followed our lead and we went deeper into the water, which was scary every time a wave hit. A blonde girl sitting atop someone challenged us to see who could knock over the other. Although the other boy was muscular, he was no match to Austens tall sculpted build. We took them down easily, laughing hysterically. While we were immerged in our victory, the next wave sent us down into the water.

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