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We've finished eating, and the breaktime is almost over. So we went to the lockers and got our sports clothes for the upcoming lesson.

We immediately walked to the toilet to change clothes. Sunoo to the men's toilet and I to the girl's toilet, of course.

A few minutes later, I came out of the toilet room and went to the toilet sink with the glass to tie my hair into a messy bun. Then after seeing it was pretty neat, i got out of the toilet.

I went to the locker and saw Sunoo already there and he was putting his dirty clothes into the locker. "Why are you taking so long?" Asked Sunoo.

I put my clothes into my locker and then replied, "I changed my hairstyle to a messy bun, not a ponytail. Can't you see?"

He paused for a moment then replied, "Hmm, I just realized it."
Then he just grinned, while I just rolled my eyes.

"Why are you looking at my face?" I asked angrily, of course just kidding. "No, it's just that you look good with that hairstyle." He said then smiled shyly.

I just looked at him then said, "Thanks, but we better go to the field now. I don't want the teacher to think my attitude is bad." I walked first towards the field, and my face suddenly heated up hearing his words. Then Sunoo also followed me to the field.


We arrived at the field and we saw some students had started warming up, and some were just sitting on the grass joking with their friends.

We have two sports fields in the school. One indoors, and one outside. The indoor field for activities such as practice playing ball. For the field outside, we do activities other than ball games.

And now we're going to do sports lessons on the field outside. So we will be exposed to the hot sun because it's noon. That's why I changed my hairstyle to reduce the feeling of heat later.

Clap Clap Clap

It was the sound produced by the sports teacher's hand, Mr. Hoseok. But he told his students to call him Mr. Hope because he is a nice teacher and very friendly to his students.

But don't expect him to always be, because if a student makes a big mistake, don't ask him how angry he is. He would be much different from his nickname.

"Okay kids, we will start to warm up. After that we will train and tighten our leg muscles. Therefore, we will do a short distance run. I will assess how fast and agile you are in running." Mr. Hope paused for a moment.

Then continued his words, "I will separate between girls and boys. I will call three students for assessment. For those of you who have not been called are allowed to practice first." He told his students to warm up first. We did what he told us to do.

I warmed up before starting the assessment. I looked at Sunoo who had a worried face. He also warmed up as if he was not excited.

I asked, "Sunoo, are you sure you're okay? You've been looking worried. I don't want you to be sick or else. So if you don't feel well, you can tell me. I'll take you to the health room." I looked at his face with a sympathetic face.

Sunoo looked back at me and said, "I told you, I'm fine Y/N. Don't worry too much." He smiled kindly. I just sighed.

"But, you have to promise me. If you're not feeling well you have to tell me." I said, glowering at him. Sunoo nodded, "Promise!" He smiled and made a cute face.

"Okay kids, the warm-up is over. Now I will summon three of you to make an assessment first. I will conduct an assessment of female students first. then, if all the female students have finished the assessment, the assessment for the boys will continue!" Said Mr. Hope at length, ending with a smile.

He checked the student list in his hand, "The first to do the assessment are Mia Kim, Y/F/N Y/N, and Zoey Ahn." When my name was called, I immediately stood up and got ready to do a short run.

"Good luck, Y/N. Fighting!" Said Sunoo encouraged me with a thumbs up. I nodded with a smile then walked towards the starting line.

"Ready, set, go!" After that the three of us immediately ran after reaching the limit ordered, we immediately run to the original line. I was the second to reach the finish line.

The first to reach the finish line is Zoey. "That was cool Zoey." I said, taking a deep breath from the exhaustion of running. "Yeah thank you Y/N." She said then went to the shade, under a shady tree with her friend.

I walked towards Sunoo. "Y/N you run so fast earlier." Sunoo praises me. I took the drinking bottle next to Sunoo and drank the water.

"Huft, thanks." I said, still tired. "Are you so tired after running earlier?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yes, quite tired. So I suggest you don't get too excited before making the assessment, because it will drain your strength." I warned.

Sunoo just nodded. Strange. He looked restless, very restless. What happened to him?

The assessment for female students has been completed. "Okay, since the girls are finished, I'll call three boys. Austin Kim, Zac Shin, Kim Sunoo please come in line."

Sunoo, who heard his name called, stood up. "I hope all goes well." I said with a thin smile. He nods and leaves. The assessment has begun.

I watched Sunoo, and he was the last person to reach the finish line. But something was strange.

After reaching the finish line, he sat there, not here. He runs also not very fast, but a bit slow. So I took his bottle and walked over to him.

"Here, Sunoo" I squat in front of him and handed him a drink. He took it, "Thanks." He said while facing me. Oh my gosh. I was shocked.

To be continued...


Are you curious about what happened to Sunoo next? Look forward to it !!! 😛

Okay, thats all. For my dearest reader, thank you for reading this chapter 🤗. Have a nice day, I love you ♡ !!!

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