Jack: Try any banker, bum, or barber ...

Skittery: They almost all knows how to read!

Kid Blink: I smell money

Crutchy: You smell foul!

Mush: Met this girl last night ...

Crutchy: Move your elbow!

Racetrack: Pass the towel!

Skittery: For a buck, I might!

Newsies: Ain't it a fine life? Carrying the banner through it all? A mighty fine life. Carrying the banner tough and tall. Every morning we goes where we wishes. We's as free as fishes. Sure beats washing dishes! What a fine life. Carrying the banner home-free all!

Jack: It takes a smile as sweet as butter

Crutchy: The kind that ladies can't resist

Racetrack: It takes an orphan with a stutter

Jack: Who ain't afraid ta use his

Kid Blink: Fist!

Newsies: Summer stinks and winter's waiting. Welcome to New Yawk! Boy, ain't nature fascinating, when youse gotta walk? Still, it's a fine life. Carrying the banner with me chums! A mighty fine life Blowing every nickel as it comes.

Crutchy: I'm no snoozer. Sitting makes me antsy. I likes living chancy

Newsies: Harlem tah Delance. What a fine life. Carrying the banner through the slums

Three Nuns: Blessed children. Though you wander lost and depraved. Jesus loves you. You shall be saved!

(Sung In Counterpart)

Mother: Patrick, darling, Since you left me. I am undone. Mother loves you! God, save my son! Racetrack: Just gimme half a cup

Kid Blink: Something ta wake me up

Mush: I gotta find an angle

Crutchy: I gotta sell more papes

Various Newsies: Papers is all I got. Wish I could catch a breeze. Sure hope the headline's hot. All I can catch is fleas. God, help me if it's not!. Somebody help me, please ...

Newsies: If I hate the headlines. I'll make up the headline. And I'll say anything hafta. 'Cause at two for a penny. If I take too many. Weasel just makes me eat 'em afta It's a fine life. Carrying the banner through it all? A mighty fine life. Carrying the banner tough and tall. See the headline. Newsies on a mission. Kill the competition. Sell the next edition. What a fine life,. Carrying the banner. It's a fine life. Carrying the banner. It's a fine life. Carrying the banner. It's a fine life. Carrying the banner. It's a fine life. Carrying the banner. It's a Go!

(End Singing)

We ended in newsie square, pausing in front of a building. The Delancey Brothers walked up to us and sneered.

"Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night" Race said, pretending to wave the stench away.

"Nah, too rotten to be the sewers." I smirked.

"It must be the Delancey brudders." Crutchy countered.

"Hiya boys!" I said.

"In the back, you lousy little shrimp." Oscar said and threw Snipeshooter to the ground. I helped him up and looked at Oscar.

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