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(Forgot to add this but since I'm australian I'll be using australian versions of words. Some words mean other things in other languages. Please don't make fun of me ;-;. Examples:
Thongs (lol i know what this means) means flip-flops.
Quarter means forths
Word that are like colour, flavour, neighbour, mean the same but are just spelt different. This also includes mum-mom. Theres also Gym class - Phys Ed, PE, Physical Edu, Sport. Theres Bathrooms - Toilet. It's just toilet. It sounds dumb but its not. Its a room of toilets. Not baths. TOILET

Idea: Mine

Type: Fluff

Ships: Jailey 


(Jake's POV)

I had gotten detention everyday of the week, and I got it today as well again. The bell rang, ending English class. Getting detention is bad, it's worse when you've been framed for something you didn't do. I sighed, and headed the opposite way from the exit, to the detention room. 

"Jake!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I looked behind me and it was Hailey.

"Hailey? What're you doing here?"


What? Hailey got detention? But she's so sweet and innocent?

"Why? How? WHAT?" I almost screamed.

"Your idiots where picking on me and Zander, so I went at 'em." She responded calmly, like it was normal. Hailey? Fight? No, that's what Zander and Milly do. Not Hailey! Well, at least I was in detention with somebody I liked. I wanted to rile Hailey up a bit. I don't know, that face she made like a tsundere would, it made me feel... warm inside. Better. We made it to detention. We saw a couple of other students we knew. Sadie, Zoey, Lia and Drew. There were other students we didn't know as well, some younger, some older. 

"Do you all know why you are here?" The teacher asked sternly. 

"Yes" they all responded.

"No" I mumbled. I'm pretty sure Hailey was the only one who heard me.

"If you all know, please come up to the front, and one by one, tell your stories." She always had this evil grin on her face. Why do teachers love to embarrass kids...

"Alright. Who to pick... Sadie! Please come up to the front and tell your story!" Sadie stood up and walked to the front. 

"I didn't respond to some kids asking if I wanted to play with them. They said I was too boring to play anyways. I cursed them"

"Well curses aren't rea-" The teacher started but was cut off.

"By the end of the day their limbs got weaker and weaker. Suddenly they collapsed to the floor and I laughed." Sadie said, her tone of voice staying the same. She let out a small laugh, but her face's expression stayed the same.

"Y-you can l-leave e-early Sadie, hehe..." the teacher trembled. She opened the door and walked out. This teacher was really stern and even she couldn't handle Sadie? Wow.

"Jake, please come up." The teacher said. 

"Umm... ok... so some kids stole my lunch and I had to get it back cause I was starving. Then when I got it back they acted like it was their lunch and I got in trouble." I trailed off.

"That's a nice story, but you're still staying here." She said. 

"Rachel it's your turn now." The teacher said. A strawberry blonde girl walked up.

"I skipped sport and went to the balcony so I could play video games." she spoke. She was very loud. She raised her voice but wasn't shouting. Just loud.

"Okay. Go sit down, and don't speak so loud. My eardrums are about to burst." The teacher pointed to the desk she was sitting at before. She hung her head low and sat down. "Who next... ah! Hailey!" Hailey walked up and gave the teacher a stink eye. 

"For one, they were picking on me and my brother. Two, it was self defense (Author: Okay Leon calm down)! They should be the ones here!" Hailey shouted.

"Hailey Austin! Don't you dare speak to me like that! Go sit back down!" The teacher shouted at her. Hailey angrily walked back to her seat. 

"Geez Hailey, I didn't know you could talk to teachers like THAT." I turned my head to Hailey. She looked at me and laughed. 

"What? Seriously? What did you think I was, a princess?" Hailey laughed. 

"Well, yes~" I teased. Haileys face turned red. We talk quietly so the teacher wouldn't notice, and before we knew it everyone had gone up and told there stories. 

"I'm going to the office to contact Sadie's parents and ask them about her... "hobby". Behave yourself, and if I come back and you're all talking, you'll all be in more trouble than you already are." With that, she turned and fled out the door. Me and Hailey turned to each other.

"So watcha wanna do?" Hailey asked.

"How about we sneak out? She won't even notice we're gone." Jake replied. I nodded my head in excitement. We walked out the door, everyone else was distracted talking about something called 'My Superhero Macadamia' or something. That must be the show Henry keeps talking about! Anyways, we walked out the front door and ran to the ice cream shop. It was near out school, so that was good! 

Hailey got mint chocolate and I got peach sherbet. We walked across the town talking about random things. Like the music competition, childhood shows, things we want to buy, places we want to go on holidays to, things like that. It was really nice spending time with her. Suddenly we realized that it was 6:07 and our parents would kill us. We came to the part in the road where we went separate ways. I blushed and looked at Hailey. "Well, this is where we part. Bye Hailey! See you tomorrow. I looked at Hailey and she had a light shade of pink on her cheeks. Probably because it's cold.

"S-see you tomorrow Jake! Remember, don't be late for music rehearsals again" Hailey said.

"Okay princess~" I teased. "Shut up!" She laughed. We waved goodbye and turned to walked back to our houses. Today was fun.





anyways i hope you enjoyedn't and sorry this was a little short

aRa ArA sAyOnArA

1064 words

Ty for reading!

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