Chap 2

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A day after that, Error let Blue go back to his AU with a promise of spending time with the Destroyer.

Love (and Error) watched Blue threw himself to his Papyrus. His younger brother cling on to him like his life depended on him.

Blue wiped away the tears in Papy's eye sockets as he tries to calm him down.

God.. He misses his little brother so much..

Love (and Error) closed her portal in favor of giving her child some privacy.

US! Sans explained his experience in the Anti-void with the Destroyer. Papy is concerned about it, but he believes his big bro.

But the need to protect him grew stronger.

The news about Blueberry getting back home spread faster than Corona. Everyone rejoice and celebrated, most of them went to Underswap to check on him.

It feels like the AU celebrated for months.

During that time, the human broke the barrier and set them all free. This time, for good.

(Love was ecstatic that day.)

Blue can tell the relief that his brother was feeling. Finally, no more resets.. It may be hard, but it's time for humans and monsters to live in harmony.

As promised, Blue started to hang out with Error more. In secret though, since both sides can't know about this.

Even to Fate and Destiny.

Who knows what will they do to them..

Love is skeptical about their relationship since Error is tied up to Fate. She hates to see her child getting hurt.

(And she's having a hard time trusting Error.)

But as she watches her child comforted Error. Giving him all the care and support that he needs.

She just couldn't helped, but be proud of him.

While doing his duties as a Star Sans, she also see him at the Bad Sanses base - laughing and joking along side with them.

They accepted him as he accepted them.

For the first time in years, the Multiverse is in peace.

And that's not good..

The first one who noticed it was Chaos. There was a awfully lack of.. Well chaos in their shared Multiverse.

And it's not just weird.. It's concerning.

Without chaos, he's left with no job. What the hell is he supposed to do here? Sit still and pretty?

No! That's boring!

He wants some excitement, something that will make his blood pump.


What should he do then?

Oh right!

Crazy bitc- Fate shall do the trick!

He exited his room quickly and went to the crazy Deity excitedly.

Fate was in her room - a crazy look in her eyes. What the heck?! She's having a hard time getting through that useless glitch!

Something or someone is interfering with her connection and she blames Destiny for it!

She was gonna go out when she noticed Chaos at her door.
"Why are you here?! Leave now!"

Chaos just smirk, he went inside her room without permission. He laughs internally at the plans that he has for them.

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