Chapter 4: Fairy Tail's Celebration

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"I don't wanna go!" Lucy cried, dragging her feet on the ground as Natsu pulled her closer to the guild's doors. Happy had flown ahead of them, claiming that Lucy was taking too long to get ready. (She had actually locked herself in the bathroom so she wouldn't have to go, but that's beside the point.)

"Lucy, you can't avoid them forever! I doubt it will even be that bad," Natsu reassured her, letting go of her wrist he had previously been pulling on. Lucy gawked at him.

"Have you met them?!" Natsu sighed.

"Okay, it's not gonna be good. But whatever is in there, we will face it together. Okay?" Natsu encouraged, holding his hand out for hers to take. She exhaled before taking it, giving him a bashful smile.

She always loved holding his hand. It started to happen more often after the war with the Alvarez Empire. And it wasn't just holding her hand, he had become touchy-feely in all areas. (Not that she minded.) His arm was either wrapped around her shoulder or her waist, which he did before, but not as frequent as it was now. Him holding her hand, however, was new. Before, he would grab onto her wrist and pull her along with some crazy antics. But now, he would tenderly intertwine his fingers with hers. This he did randomly. They could be sitting at a table chatting with their friends and he would lace his fingers with hers under the table, or be walking to the guild from her apartment and their hands would brush up against one another before he would grab one and swing it in between them happily. He and Happy's presence at her apartment spiked, probably because she didn't make them leave as much anymore.

Walking into the guild hand-in-hand, the guild that had just found out that they had gotten married, probably wasn't the best idea.

When Natsu had pushed open the large doors, hell broke loose.

Champagne bottles popped, corks flying everywhere. Rice was thrown on them, confetti cannons blasted. Lucy couldn't make out anything anyone was saying, it was pure cacophony.

"Natsu finally manned up!"


"What's that supposed ta' mean? I've always been manly! I beat up Gray every week to prove it!"

"Lu-chan, when's your due date?!" Levy shouted excitedly from the bar, one of the twins swaddled in her arms. "Our kids are going to be the best of friends!" Lucy's face turned beet red, steam pouring out of her ears.

"There is no due date!" she replied frustratedly. Mira strutted over to the pair, a new spring in her step, and placed a veil over Lucy's head. "Mira, what is this?" Lucy whined, flipping the sheer toile over her face and back onto her hair.

"We never got to have a bachelorette party! So consider this your post-wedding shower! But no alcohol for you, Lucy!" Mira chirped, leading them over to the bar.

"I am not pregnant!" Lucy seethed. As they passed the multitude of members celebrating their marriage, Natsu was given many handshakes, and someone handed him a cigar.

"What the hell is this? I ain't a smoker like popsicle!" he retaliated to the passing crowd. When they arrived at the bar, Lucy quickly sat down on one of the stools, and buried her head in her arms, trying to tone out the guild's hooting and hollering. She felt a gentle hand on her back.

"Lu-chan, if you're not pregnant, then why did you and Natsu get married? We could've planned a beautiful ceremony here!" Levy questioned, keeping her arm holding her baby sturdy. Lucy picked her head up.

"The article wasn't true. Well, it kind of was. Natsu and I actually did get married." Lucy began, getting cut off by Mira's screech of happiness.

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