Chapter 3: Newlyweds

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"Hey lady, where'd you get this cool fish?" he exclaimed.

Ignoring Lucy, the judge looked over her and at Natsu. "Don't touch it! That is my prized Coelacanth. My son sent it to me all the way from Minstrel!" she bellowed, making Natsu slowly move away from the tank. Lucy shifted her weight.

"Judge... Paxella," Lucy began, taking a second to read the name off of the brass nametag that sat atop her desk. We have a train to catch back to Fiore, and I really need to get this done before we leave. Can you please help us out?" Lucy ranted, eager to get this whole incident behind her.

The woman clicked her pen a few times before sighing. "Based on the information I have here I can tell that this was truly a mistake, and will not be complicated to undo. Lucy, if I could have you sign here, and Natsu sign here," she began, holding out a piece of paper before she was interrupted by a large splash of water. By the window, Natsu held up the Coelacanth with a toothy smile on his face.

"Happy, look! How good do you think this tastes?" he yelled to the cat who was waiting outside, trying to keep the wobbling fish in place in his arms. Judge Paxella gasped before dialing for her secretary on her phone. Lucy shrieked before running over to Natsu, tripping on her dress a few times, to coax him into putting the fish back into the tank.

"Relax, Lucy, I was gonna put it back! Judge Maxi-Pad will give us our annulment, don't worry," he reassured her. "She has to give us one, we have rights for that, right?" he asked her, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Natsu, just put it back in the tank!" she growled through her teeth.

He rolled his eyes in amusement. "Fine," he replied, carefully putting the large fish back into its tank. When he turned back to go complete the annulment with Lucy, he was stopped by two security guards. They grabbed him by his arms and began to pull him out of the courtroom. "Hey, lemme go! I command you by my rights!" he growled, struggling to escape security's clutches. Lucy ran back to the Judge's tall desk and placed her elbows on top to pull herself up to face Judge Paxella.

"Judge, please, I don't want to file for divorce! I don't want to have that on my record! I need to fix this today!" she begged. Judge Paxella called for another guard.

"Sorry Mrs. Dragneel, I'll send the divorce papers to the address listed on the annulment forms. Leave my chambers at once. Would you like to be escorted or carried out?" she declared, writing down Lucy's address before shredding the annulment papers.

"Noooo!" Lucy cried as she watched her ticket to an easy way out of their mess be destroyed. A security guard came up behind her and dragged her out of the courtroom.
She cried the entire train ride home, while Natsu didn't even seem to care. To be fair, he was doubled over in motion sickness, so she couldn't accurately read his emotions.

Lucy snapped out of her flashback, jumping when she heard a groan come from the other side of the bed.

"Urgh... Lucy... Do you hafta' be so loud in the mornings?" he spoke, his voice raspy from sleep, burying his head deeper into the pillows. Lucy grabbed her pillow and smacked his head with it.

"Get out, you intruder! This is my house! Last time I checked, yours in the woods was perfectly fine!" Natsu turned his head to the side, facing her.

"Yeah, but you aren't there" he whined, looking up at her with puppy eyes. Lucy's expression softened for a moment.

"Aww... That was kinda cute.." she thought.

"And neither is your fluffy bed, hehe..." he finished, before receiving a kick into his side, sending him out of the warm sheets and onto the hardwood floor.

Accidentally Mrs. DragneelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang