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I will give a short descriptions each characters morning so you can know them better but will have longer pages overall
I hear a slight sound no louder than a whisper in my ear morning I open my eyes groggily  (GRRRR) why does it haft to be the morning already I'm still sleepy I roll over ignoring my maid trying to fall back to sleep I hear her speak in a normal tone now no longer the gentle whisper which she used in order to awake me from my sleep originally

Master Killua it's time to wake up your farther is expecting you downstairs in half an hour and you are yet to have your bath or change plus lying around in a wet diaper will only result in a rash now please wake up so you can start your day and morning routine you never know what the day can behold and lady Kenosha will be waiting for you to start the depart to school after your breakfast and she'd hate it if you where late

I let out a disappointed moan knowing that I'm in defeat and will never get proper sleep I crawl out of my bed feeling the sag of my nappy which has been used for more than pee pee the maid lift me onto my changing table  and changes me no different to every over morning after she's finished wiping my bottom clean she leads me to the bathroom in the nude as walking into the bathroom my bath is already made just how I like she helps me into the warm water I always found baths relaxing I get a quick bath with the help of my maid and afterwards dry and dress in a t shirt and shorts ready for my day at school I go downstairs where my farther is waiting with food the maid helps me up onto my seat which has a booster seat as I'm to small not to have one then she dresses me in a bib with teddy's on it then she gives me my breakfast 🥞 which is pancakes there already cut up so I don't choke she then she asked my farther wether he wishes for her assistants or not she always asks this at the begging of every meal if my farther says yes she will feed me my food like a baby if he says no she will wait outside with the over maids
he luckily said no this time I started eating my food treasuring every last bite
then it was time for school I left the dinner table and the maid put my shoes on as I'm incapable of fastening my own laces I then leave the house and walk over to Kenosha's house as where neighbours because her farther must live close to mine but there kind of like family I walk through are garden onto the street glad I no longer have a maid escorting me everywhere I never understood why I had that there's children the age of 2 who are allowed to venture around the village as there is almost no crime as it's a small village so everyone knows everyone it consists of around a 180 people but only 60 children which sounds like a lot but that's includes baby's and teenagers so school isn't about the age of a child instead kids start school when there parents chooses so you can start at any age I'm in the first year at school and the oldest kid in are year is 11 and I happen to be the youngest unfortunately and we all learn the same thing and stay the same years like a regular school but with different ages per class I don't understand why I haft to go to school when I'm the youngest my farther always lectures me about how a price should be educated but he refuses to teach me basic lessons like potty training saying I am not yet of an age where I need to learn the skill it's infuriating but I can't change it so I just accept it


Sorry this chapter is short stuff will get more interesting but I wanted to just tell everyone's morning routine before they all meat

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