"You are overthinking Hira." She said in a light tone as if she knew about it. "Life is a long journey and we cross paths with thousands of people, some of them took a few steps with us and some covered miles but only a single person can become the companion. What you are experiencing now is a part of human nature. We all get involved with the people we are living with, even if they are our neighbours. So relax, don't be so hard on yourself. When you meet the right person others won't matter to you. Besides, you will always have me and Hassan so what's the problem here?"

"Thanks. I love you." I smiled glancing at my friend.

"The feeling is mutual." She smiled back.

"Speaking of Hassan, when will he return home?"

"Within an hour or two." I nodded in response.

Hassan did come within an hour and brought along an unexpected guest. A tall and slim twenty years old young man. Who used to have a wheatish complexion before joining the navy. I remembered the day he went to cadet college, it was the last time I saw him before today. He has grown a lot, the carefree look he carried now turned into a face of a fully grown man. A smile crept up on my face as I gazed at him, but it soon vanished when he glared at me.

Start thinking of a good excuse...

I thought averting my eyes from him. I knew this day will come but it came sooner than expected.

I should've prepared myself earlier.


I wasn't planning to stay late at Saba's house however things turned out unexpectedly. Therefore, I decided to have dinner with them and informed auntie. Today they got me, I had no place to run, they were the judges and I was the criminal.

"Ask, whatever you want. I will answer." I asked staring into Faizan's eyes, who were sitting just before me and next to him was Hassan with the look 'you deserved it' on his face. I really want to punch that face though, but it won't change anything now.

"I am speechless after meeting you. I thought at least you will try to explain yourself when we confront each other." Faizan answered in a dejected tone.

"There isn't anything to explain. What I did was wrong and thoughtless but I am not sorry about it and I am still planning to continue with this path." I said rather arrogantly, knowing very well that my words will hurt him.

"Don't mind her, sometimes she talked like an insane person." Hassan straightened on his seat and shoot a glare at me.

"You have changed, a lot. Why?" Asked Faizan.

"Life changed me. Just like you have changed."

"I didn't turn into a reckless person." He argued.

"I am also not, I just distance myself from everyone."

"That's exactly what I want to know. Why you did that? Do you have any idea what everyone in the family talking about you?"

"Rumours are rarely good," I scoffed, "But I don't care about them."

"You should."

"Why?" I snapped.

"Why should I care about the people who were discussing my father's wealth distribution at his funeral?" I said without caring about Hassan and Saba's presence. It was something I haven't told them perhaps that is why they never accepted my justification for cutting my ties with relatives.

Faizan was also taken aback by my sudden outburst and lower his head, taking the hint Hassan asked Saba to leave the both of us alone.

Releasing a deep sigh Faizan raised his head, "Baji, forget everything please."

Oh! My Darling TeacherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang