chapter 4: I hear your voice in my sleep at night

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author's note:

HEYOOOOOO cant believe i wrote, revised and posted this chapter in the same day lhdgkdhla

lemme use this space to thank everyone that been reading this lovely story i wanted to write, you guys are amazing. also i want to announce to the unknowing people that there are two more jidal plots and one story for injae living in my mind, so at some point yall will choose which one i will write

MEANING = dont forget to follow me on twitter to vote on stuff and send me reactions

now im rambling because im exhausted LETS GOOOOOOOOOO 

(see the end of the chapter for more notes)


Staying in the hospital wouldn't be too bad after all.

It was definitely better than sharing the same square foot with the woman living rent-free on his mind ever since she decided to be his shadow, his aid. There was no way on Earth Ji-pyeong could handle spending all his free hours with Dal-mi, sharing these last days with her in the hospital was already hard enough.

Having the woman gravitating around him as the Sun itself was more challenging than surviving thousands of physio and psychological sessions. Ji-pyeong was unable to inhale pure air because her vanilla scent was everywhere all the damn time, making him intoxicated and weak at the mind.

Despite their fight and the adopted distance, feelings seemed to be escalating real fast. A cold treatment was not enough to detoxicate themselves, and soon the force pulling them together turned into an unbearable force, always making the other steal glances and subtle touches with no excuse.

As the frustration and fear from living together seemed to be a shared emotion between them, they kept trying to convince Haelmoni to change her mind until lunchtime came in and everyone got hungry. Staying in the hospital room screaming with each other turned weird real fast, so leaving was inevitable.

Aware that Haelmoni's sight wasn't getting better and the disease was taking a toll on her also made Ji-pyeong to give up, Dal-mi coming right after, once she realized her grandmother was tired.

Accepting the defeat, they stood silently in their corners as the woman finished packing up to leave. Haelmoni walked down the hallway to the entrance like a queen after winning a battle, the youngsters following after her with grief expressions, barely looking at each other as their fight still lingered.

There was no coming back now. Living together would simply be hell, especially compared to the two months in the hospital.

At least there, Ji-pyeong got distracted by his responsibilities and avoided getting thoroughly infatuated by Dal-mi's existence. Now? He was doomed.

Distracted by his fear, the hundreds of scenarios flying through his mind, Ji-pyeong almost didn't see the car coming up to take them home. As the women entered the vehicle and left the door open to him, he felt his heart rate going up pretty damn fast.

"Are you going to sit and cry because grandmommy ordered you around?" Dal-mi asked with sarcasm in her voice, looking annoyed by how things turned out and ignoring his panicking face.

Holding his breath to displease the woman, Ji-pyeong hopped in the car and stood profusely still. Before the cursed thing started to move, his hands flew to the seat belt as he tried to calm the unwelcome panic attack piling up.

Suddenly, his body felt all wrong, sight becoming unfocused as dread gnawed his insides and body started to tremble all over. When the driver sped into the street, Ji-pyeong instinctively took Dal-mi's free hand on his own.

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