The Heart of the Matter

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All I have to do is write something. But the question is... what?

I lean forward, trying to will myself to put something on the pink paper for a Valentine's message in front of me but my hand doesn't actually move.

It's not like I actually know anything. It's all just speculation at this point. But then again the evidence is piling up. I mean, how else am I supposed to take what's happened in the past year or so? The weird acid trip I had with the kiss, the Santa thing, and the way she looked when I showed up to her party and the way our conversation was going before we were interrupted?

I sit back in my chair at the blue and gold, taking a deep breath.

Not to mention the weird vision thing that blonde girl made us have. I still have no idea who she is, what she was doing there or how she made us see what we saw. But I can't just ignore the evidence, can I? Clearly, something is going on between us. There's definitely not nothing going on.

Again I lean forward, trying to force myself to write something down but nothing actually happens.

I just don't have any idea what that something is. And I think the only thing that will help me figure it out is to actually have a conversation with her. To make sure it's not just all in my head. I'm pretty sure it's mutual but I don't actually know because we can't seem to actually sit down and talk about it. The last time we tried, we were interrupted by someone putting blood in our drinks.

Sitting back in my chair again, I lick my lips at memory of the taste of it in my mouth.

I can still taste it sometimes... or at least it feels like I can. That bitter, coppery taste of some random person's blood, unless it wasn't random at all and someone put a specific person's blood in it. All the lab could figure out is that it was definitely from more than one person. But the big question still is, why?

And why leave that note in it?

I look over on the board where the note is pinned.

'To my OG OTP, B and V. May this cleansing help you find your way to each other.'

Clearly, whoever sent it to us thinks V and I are an item, or that we're supposed to be. Could that be what all this is about? Could all the weird things that are happening to us be part of some weirdo's sick desire to see us together?

I'm not sure how to feel about that. I don't want to be a pawn in someone else's game, but at the same time I can't deny whatever it is that has changed the way I feel about Veronica. I do feel something, there's no going back from that.

I'll just have to hope that this sicko had a one time thing and it's all over now.

"Don't pout cousin, it'll give you wrinkles."

I look up to see Cheryl standing there in a ridiculous red outfit, even by her standards.

"Cheryl, what are you doing here?"

She gives me a weird look.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm Cupid!"

She twirls in her deep red cupid's outfit with the wings and halo and bow and arrow and everything.

She looks absolutely ridiculous.

"Riverdale High's own resident match maker."

It takes me a second to answer.


"Well it occurred to me that being so ridiculously happy with my love bug TT that I should try and spread that love around so everyone can be as happy as me. So when Weatherby asked me to be the Valentine's deliverer of Love, how could I say no?"

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