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I really need to find her.

I keep my head on a swivel as I walk along the gravel path, watching for anything that might be a sign.

I hope she didn't disappear somewhere back to wherever she came from. But I can't believe that she would be around that much if it wasn't some kind of sign. It's been weeks and it keeps happening. It can't be a coincidence. It just can't be.

Looking down, I pass by the rock where I first saw her.

It doesn't make any sense otherwise. Why else would a cat be following me around? It was just sitting there, almost like it was waiting for me. At first it seemed cute, I just made a new friend on my way to school by taking a new path. Then I noticed it was following me to school. After that, I just kept seeing it everywhere. At school, at Pop's, even around my home. One night I was woken up by her at my bedroom window.

Then it started to get weird. I tried to find out where it was coming from and it lead me to some weird places. First there was a weird place in the woods with a bunch of rocks with a weird red paint on them in a strange arrangement. Then there was a place with dead birds in a circle. And finally some weird signs made with sticks that were almost like dreamcatchers. That can't just be a coincidence. There has to be a reason, and if I can just figure out where they came from, I'm sure I can figure out how it all fits together. All I have to do is find her.

All of the sudden, I hear it. That simple meow that I've heard so many times before. I look towards the sound in front of me, and it's right in front of me.

"Hey there little one."

I lean down to meet the black cat at their level.

"Where have you been?"

She meows at me and it makes me smile. I reach out to try and pet her, but she backs up.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you."

My new friend adds distance between us when I try to reach out again but stops not that far away from me.

"What is it?"

Is it happening again?

She meows at me and goes a little further away and then looks back.

"You want me to follow you?"

Again I get a meow before she turns and starts walking slowly in front of me.

I guess I got my answer.

I stand up and start following it.

I hope this doesn't have anything to do with Griffins and Gargoyles and everything Jugg and I have been dealing with. But I have to at least find out.

The black cat turns into the forest off the main path.

Looks like we're going to another weird place.

I look around at the trees as I walk into them.

Nothing weird yet.

I make sure to keep my focus on the cat in front of me, because of how quickly it's moving and the way it's blending into the brush so well despite how light out it is.

I can't let her get away. This might be the time that she finds its way home and I figure out why it kept finding me.

She stops suddenly when she gets way too ahead of me.

I guess it's going to be as easy as it was before.

She meows at me as I get a few steps from her before she turns again and dashes to wherever she's going. I look up to see something like a building through some of the trees.

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