Double Take

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I just... I don't know. It seems like a bad idea.

"I don't know."

"Come on B, don't be a buzz kill. Come with us."

Why does me being careful always have to sound like I'm being a buzz kill to everyone else? I'm not a buzz kill. I can be fun.

"Yeah Betty, we've been through a lot lately and we need a little fun."

"I know, you're right, but... a rave? That doesn't sound extreme to you guys?"

I'm just not sure that this is the type of fun that I actually want to have. It seems dangerous.

"We need a little extreme, B."

"You don't think that we've had enough extreme lately?"

"Extremely bad maybe, but this is on the other side of the spectrum. It's extreme fun."

"Kevin's gonna get us in, he knows the guys throwing it."

I love Kevin, he's been my best friend forever, but he's not always good at making the right decision. He sometimes makes the fun decision rather than the right one.

"And they're good people. Nothing but fun to be had."

But he does sometimes do his homework and actually know what he's doing. Maybe this is one of those times? We won't really know until we do it. That's part of the fun of being his friend but also part of the problem.

"Come on Betty, after my dad getting shot and almost killed, Cheryl's house burning down and everything... we need a little fun."

Archie is right, we do need a little fun after everything that's happened. Maybe it really will help with everything we've been through. I do feel like I need to unwind a little, and everyone else seems to be on board with the idea. I guess at the very least I can't let them do it alone. Someone has to be there to keep them out of trouble.

"All right, fine. I'm in."

"Yay! I promise B, you won't regret this."

I really, really hope she's right.

* * *

I move to the music as it pumps through the speakers all around the room, feeling a sense of freedom and fun that I haven't felt in a long.

Veronica was right, we really did need this. Everything's been so intense for so long. So many secrets, so many lies and so much drama. I can barely remember the last time I felt this good. It must be before everything with Jason. Before everything started going wrong.

Veronica, Kevin, Archie and Jughead are all dancing around me. The music is blaring and the dance floor crowded but we're having having nothing but fun.

How could we not? Right now? None of have a care in the world. We don't have to think about Jason or Mr Andrews or FP or anything but the way we feel right now. It all just falls away and we can enjoy it. We're just far enough outside the city that none of it can touch us. We can just be us.

Five of the best friends ever.

I put my arms around Juggie and we dance together.

Even my Juggie was willing to get in on the action, and he's not exactly known for being a partier. He usually tries to hang back. But this is too much even for him. We just can't keep going like this and expect not to go crazy. We needed a release. This was a good idea.

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