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the scent of fresh lavender washed over my body, the golden sun illuminated my skin, as i promenade across the pastures west of l'manburg.

i held the straw basket close to my side, as i knelt down to pick more herbs and flowers. i had promised niki i would retrieve some blue orchids for her, so she could decorate for the festival.

i wandered a little further into the valley, the early autumn heat causing the hairs to stick to the back of my neck. i quickly took cover under a shaded oak tree. i lowered myself to the ground and pressed my back against to cool wood.

my eyes fluttered shut, surely a nap couldn't harm me while i wait for it to get cooler. i slowly drifted out of consciousness.


i jolted awake, a shaky breath escaped my lips as i sat up. the sky was painted lilac and peach as the sun settled behind the snowy mountains north of the walls.

"i must have been out a while, huh?" i hum in displeasure as i gathered my things and begin the long walk back to l'manburg.

the sky was becoming increasingly dark, which worried me. the mobs would be out soon- i can't risk getting injured, i left all my healing potions with tubbo.

i stumble out of the grassland and into the forest, hoping by taking this short cut i could get back in time.

i clutched the basket tight to my chest, almost to shield me from whatever lay in the depths of the greenery surrounding me.

a rustle in the leaves to my left alerted me, i quickened my pace. it was just my imagination, it's safe it's okay. i kept repeating that in my head, until i heard the snapping of twigs in the foliage.

"who's there?" i called out, mentally preparing myself for the worst. i waited for an answer- or something.


i shook my head and continued along the illegitimate path in the woodland. in the corner of my vision i could see the shadow of someone. i whipped around, holding my basket tight.

"hello? i don't appreciate you following me." my voice faltered, barely above a whisper.

"it's not safe for someone like you to be out all alone at night." a voice uttered.

turning my head, i was met with a white mask, a poorly drawn smile etched onto its features, covering half of his face. i studied the person in front of me. he wore a dull purple chest plate over chainmail. a dark green hooded cloak hid the rest of his features aside from his mouth, which was curled up into a smirk.

"im aware- im trying to get home." i stated, lowering my basket. he smiled at this.

"id be more than happy to guide you home.."

" y/n." i mumbled, averting his gaze.

"nice to make your acquaintance, y/n." the masked man replied, reaching for my hand and placing his lips against it.

"so where are you heading to?" he asked as we strolled through the forest.

"l'manberg." he seemed to tense up slightly at the name. "it's not too far from here- im staying with a friend." i added.

"you're not from around here then? must be why i've never seen you before."

"the lands are vast, im sure you've seen dozens of people- you wouldn't be able to recall everyone you meet." i smiled at him, clutching my basket in my right hand.

"i would've remembered a pretty face like yours."

i flushed slightly at that comment, it's been a while since anyone has been so straightforward with me.

we continue to walk in a comfortable silence until we reach the gates of l'manberg. the man stands at the edge of the forest, the flames from the torches illuminated his armour clad body.

"thank you for getting me back safely, i owe you..." i pause, i never asked for his name.

he smirks slightly. "it was no bother, i look forward to meeting you again."

"yes, me too." i watch as he treks back into the shadows.

i walk through the gates, feeling at ease as i make my way to my current place of residence.

i knock on the door once and it is suddenly swung open revealing a worried wilbur, tommy, niki and tubbo.

"uh hi-" i start as wilbur pulls me into a soft embrace. i reluctantly hug back, careful not to damage any flowers in my basket.

"where were you!?" tommys voice boomed. i glanced up at the younger boy as wilbur pulled away, niki quickly rushing to my side.

"im sorry- i fell asleep in the meadows- when i woke up the sun was setting." i mumbled out sheepishly.

it was tommy's turn to pull me into a bone crushing hug. "im so glad you're not dead, i would have killed you." he muttered into my hair. tubbo wrapped his arms around us both, sighing.

tommy was like a little brother to me, as was tubbo. i had known only known them briefly but i would already lay down my life for them. they were like family to me, i cared for them immensely.

"it's okay though- someone found me in the woods and escorted me home." i smiled recalling the moments i had with the masked man.

"who?" niki asked, concern evident in her voice. i pulled away from my boys and sighed.

"i did not get his name- he wore a mask and a green cloak."

everyone's eyes widened, flickering between me and eachother.

"you spoke to dream?"

a/n - i hope you all like the first chapter, hearts and comments appreciated <3

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