I Know I'm Not the Only One

Start from the beginning

"No, Rei, I want to feel all of you." Ruki made a small smile. Reita smirked and rubbed lube on his bare cock and slowly entered Ruki. Ruki let out a soft moan. Then, Reita thrusted at a fair, rhythmic pace. He leant down to kiss Ruki passionately.

"Fas...ter..." Ruki moaned. Reita obeyed and did just that, then, somehow, he found that spot that made Ruki go insane.

"I found it." Reita smirked and kept hitting that stop with the tip of his cock and pounded into it, causing Ruki to scream.

"I have to...cum, R-Rei-chan." Ruki moaned loudly. Reita grabbed his small boufriend's cock and pumped it hastily. When Ruki came on Reita's hand, Reita came as well in sync with Ruki, letting out a loud "ah". Reita panted and pulled out of Ruki. Ruki gasped as he felt the emptiness inside him and then panted. Reita laid beside Ruki and kissed him.

"I... love you." Reita said in between gasps.

"I love you too."


The word "love" was a word that was mostly misunderstood, misused, and an untrue word people could ever say. When Ruki used that word, he was serious. He really loved Reita. He didn't misuse the word. He didn't misunderstand the word. He used it the right way all the time, but Ruki didn't know Reita was lying about saying he loved him.

Reita drove to Uruha's house at 12:45am as soon as Ruki was asleep and wasn't able to wake up. Ruki was a somewhat hard sleeper. Reita knocked on Uruha's door and seconds later, Uruha came to open the door, embracing Reita with a tight hug. Reita hugged back gradually.

He walked in the house and flopped himself down on the couch. "Hey Reita! How's Ruki?" Uruha said and sat next to Reita.

"We had sex hours ago. And... psh... he actually believes that I love him." Reita said cruelly. Uruha chuckled.

"You're so mean."

"So? I only wanted him for his ass and this was our first time having sex. It was fun, but.... if I did it with you, it would've been better." Reita smirked. Uruha blushed and sipped his glass of water on the table.

"So, you were using Ruki?"

"Shhh... don't tell him." Reita said and leaned in to kiss Uruha. Uruha wrapped his long, skinny, arms around Reita's neck, deepening the kiss.


The next day was kinda awkward. Ruki and the guys were at the studio. Reita sat next to Uruha and Ruki was wondering on why didn't Reita sit next to him like he usually does. Was there something wrong?

"So, guys, umm... manager-san gave us our schedule for this next month in March...." Kai started as he oddly broke the silence. Everyone looked at Kai, but then Reita left the room to use the bathroom. Uruha had to "use the bathroom" as well. Ruki raised an eyebrow.

"Aoi, are you and Uruha dating?" Ruki asked.

"No." Aoi plainly said and shrugged. Ruki hummed and sighed, putting his attention on Kai now.

"On March 10, our tour for our 13th anniversary is on that day. So, we have to keep rehearsing for that." Kai made a sweet smile. Ruki sighed and felt that Uruha and Reita were both taking too long in the bathroom.

"Excuse me..." Ruki stood up to go to the bathroom. He looked at his ring finger and sighed at the ring Reita gave him for his birthday. He made a small smile. But... once he went inside the bathroom... he was done. He was shocked at what he saw. What he saw, shocked him. This wasn't possible..... Reita was... fucking Uruha in this bathroom. Ruki's felt tears building up his face.

"You fucking bitch!!!!" Ruki yelled. He pulled of the ring and threw it at Reita, running out the bathroom and leaving the building. Reita tried running after him, but too late. He was gone. Out the building, running home in full tears. Aoi saw what was going on outside.

"Reita, what happened?" Aoi asked in a stern tone. Uruha walked up behind Reita and blinked a couple times and sighed. Reita had Ruki's ring in his hand. It was gold and had real 8 karat diamond and had thin black designs on it. Ruki loved this ring, but now, he was betrayed. Used. Reita didn't really love him. It was all a lie to Ruki.

Ruki slammed his door open and ran upstairs crying, throwing all his frame pictures of him and Reita on the wall, the glass shattering on the floor. He screamed and cried. "FUCK HIM! I don't need him anyways!!" Ruki yelled. He went down to the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

He aimed the knife at his arm and cut deep bloody lines on his arm. Aoi ran in super fast and saw what Ruki was doing. He ran towards him and stopped him. "Stop, Taka! Stop!! Stop stop stop!!" Aoi snapped as he pulled the little guy in his arms.

"I don't wanna live anymore Aoi. Just kill me. Take the knife and stab my heart. Just let me die. I don't wanna be here anymore. Fuck Reita! Fuck Uruha. They ruined my life!" Ruki pitied himself and was sobbing. Aoi sighed and hugged him tight. Ruki pushed Aoi off of him and ran upstairs.

"Ruki, what're you doing?" Aoi asked as he ran after Ruki.

"Leave me alone, Aoi!!" Ruki yelled and stood outside his high balcony, looking down at the solid concrete ground. He wanted to jump off, so, that's what he was going to do, until Aoi caught him by the arm. Aoi pulled him closer for a tighter hug. Ruki sobbed louder. "Aoi, please help me!" Ruki cried. Aoi bit his lip and let out a shaky breath. He's never seen Ruki like this ever. This was scary.

Uruha and Reita ran upstairs to were Aoi and Uruha were. Ruki looked up and looked at Uruha. "Aoi... let me go." Aoi slowly let Ruki go. "You son of a bitch... you stole my boyfriend. You fucking whore! Why are you part of my life! I fucking hate you and I never liked you! You go kill yourself!" Ruki tackled Uruha on the floor and threw punches at his stomach and chest. Uruha tried to stop Ruki, but Ruki kept getting furious. He started to pull Uruha's hair forcefully and slammed the back of his head on hard wood floor. Reita pulled Ruki off and held him back.

"I fucking hate you!! Go fuck yourself!!" Ruki yelled. "Get the fuck off me Akira!!" Ruki bit Reita's arm.

"What the hell!" Reita let Ruki go. Ruki sobbed again and cried.

"You....you never loved me!! All those times you said you loved me was a fucking lie. So, guess what? I'm done. Fuck this shit.. I'm done. I don't fuck with you, or you!" Ruki grabbed Reita's phone and deleted his number off Reita's phone, took his spare key off of Reita's key ring. "Get out my house Ya whore!!" Ruki yelled at Uruha. Uruha left, slamming the door. "You too. Go have your fun with that slut. I knew I wasn't the only one you loved.... You disgust me. Leave.... don't come back." Ruki fussed. Reita sighed and left the house as well. Aoi stood there and scratched his head.

"Ruki... are you okay?" Aoi asked as he walked towards Ruki. Ruki sniffed and bit his lip.

"I'm sorry... I... i didn't mean to get all angry around you. I'm sorry Aoi." Ruki apologetically said. Aoi shrugged.

"It's okay. I... I understand everything. Reita was wrong as much as Uruha was as well, but you're not quitting the band are you?" Aoi asked curiously.

"No. Of course not. But I'm not talking to those two irrelevances anymore. We are done." Ruki replied.

"Well, good. I guess I'll go home." Aoi said. Ruki grabbed Aoi's wrist. "Huh?"

"No... don't go.... Stay?" Ruki made a small smile. Aoi smiled back and nodded.

"Okay." Aoi embraced the small male with a happy hug.



ANY TYPOS???????????????????

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