"Yes of course." She nods and looks at me, while I roll my eyes. I take the 2 guns out of the back of my shirt, the one in my heels, the one in my pants, and one in my shirt. I place them on the table giving him a look.

He stares at me before saying "I know you better than that Shay, all of your weapons." I sigh and take the knife from my pants and bra before sitting back down. He stares at me and I look at Ella who stares at me as well.

I slowly breathe in before saying, "I want an alliance." He looks at me with a stunned look.

"An alliance? How surprising. Why would you want that.?" Zach leans in clearly more intrigued.

"I'm guessing you also had an assassin from the Russian mafia come here." He nods and I start speaking again. "And I'm guessing you also tortured him until he spoke about everything."

He smiles. "You know me very well Ms. Cuncord."

"Well I think if we form an alliance together we can take down the Russian mafia. Both our mafias cannot defeat them alone. We need alliances but with no one wanting to turn against the most powerful mafia in the world, we must go to each other." He stares at me for a long time as I stare back.  We stare for a good 5 minutes before Ella speaks making me look at her.

"You lost!" He yells making me roll my eyes. Still childish I see.

"Please consider this Mr. Herron, we both know this is our only chance to saving our mafias." Ella speaks clearly not amused from the staring contest.

His smile turns back into a serious face and he nods. "I agree. Very well then, the alliance will be formed. Does this mean I have to hold off on killing Shaylee over here." He says, knowing I hate that name. I turn to give him a look.

"Yes, she has agreed to not try anything as well for we need both of you guys to lead your mafias." Ella speaks looking at me like a mom who's just found out her daughter cussed out a teacher. He nods and stands up.

"You guys can stay here then. We'll get to planning tomorrow." Zach gives the other man a nod, before walking away.

"He's a hottie now isn't he." She says making me angry.

"He is not a hottie he is my enemy and he will be dead as soon as this alliance is over." I say through my gritted teeth. Standing up, I walk out of the room following the man from earlier.

"My name is Jack I'm one of Zach's best men. It's a honor to meet you, I've seen your face on all of our targets here, so to finally meet the person Zach has hated for over 6 years is amazing."

I look at him and laugh. "You know you're a funny dude." He scratches the back of his neck and looks down laughing before leaving. I look around the huge room. It was beautiful. I lay on the bed exhausted before a woman walks in.

"Hi my name is Elizabeth I'm your maid." She says smiling. I look at her and nod. "Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes."

I look down before saying "I'm not hungry." She softly smiles and opens her mouth to say something, but decides to leave. Ella walks in with a stern look on her face. Oh god here we go.

"You are hungry and you will eat." I roll my eyes and lay back down before sighing. "This is how we get them to trust. You can't hide in your room the entire time."

I roll over. "I'll eat tomorrow I'm just not hungry." She stares at me for a long time before slowly nodding and walking out. I get under the covers and fall asleep, my stomach growling.

When I wake up I see it's almost 1am. I need a glass of water and some food. I get up and head down to the kitchen. It was pretty hard to find but I eventually found it. I'm surprised no one is awake, people are always awake at my house. Opening  the fridge, I grab out a water. When I turn around I see a knife flying at me making me duck. I look up to see Zach laughing. "I will never get to kill you will I." I glare at him before grabbing an apple.

"No you won't. Because I will kill you first." I simply respond before he gets super close to me, our noses almost touching. I could feel his hot breath on my face and I stare into his dark eyes.

"Oh yes I will princess, and I'll make sure it's a long, painful, gruesome,and aggravating death." He says. I stand still, staring at him. We stay like that before I back up and laugh.

"The second this alliance is over, you will be dead." He glares at me and I make a face at him making him lean back a little crossing his arms.

"Why weren't u at dinner?" He asked looking at the apple I grabbed.

"I wasn't hungry." I lied biting my lip.

"Or because you are intimidated by me." Zach smirks. God I just wanna slice that devious smirk right off his face.

"Only in your dreams." I spit out before sitting on the counter and eating my apple.

"You're right. I've had many dreams about you." He says sighing and grabbing my apple before taking a bite. I grab the knife and throw it at him but he ducks. "Feisty aren't you? I took your apple princess not that big of a deal."

I shook my head. "One, You took MY apple. Two, don't call me princess." I grab my apple back and take a bite. He only stares at me with that smirk.

"I'll call you whatever the fuck I want. What are you gonna do, kill me? Because we both know-"

"Ok ok shut up" I say cutting him off. "I'm going back to sleep but try sleeping with one eye open tonight." I growl, turning around to walk out of the kitchen leaving him there just smirking.

Mr and Mrs Mafia |Z.D.H|Where stories live. Discover now