Chapter 3

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The voice was stern, almost scolding, and it seemed to be coming from somewhere far.

"Divina, you need to wake up," the voice said again and, as if from a far, far, far away place, it kind of pulled her from her sleepy state.

Groggily, she snapped out of her drowsy state, and that's when the smell hit her.

She sprung up from the chair she fell asleep on, but her legs gave way under her, and she clumsily fell into a pair of strong arms. 

Strong arms?

Where did that come from?

More importantly, where did the owner of the arms come from?

She quickly looked up and... straight into the eyes of the stranger of this morning.

Jeez, did he want her to faint some more into his arms?

She was so caught up in the moment that for a second she forgot where she was or what was happening before she got so caught up in this... stranger's embrace.

And, what an embrace.

She was still staring into his eyes when reality settled in. 

She might have been in his embrace, but she smelled smoke.

Very thick smoke at that.

That put her in a much more energetic mood... If one could even call it that.

She pushed the stranger from this morning away from her body and steadily tried to stand on her own two feet.

What was up with her body, and its reaction to this guy?

She basically ran towards the stove to make sure that her house was not going to burn down. Only to find it completely safe.

Her house was fine, nothing was burning down.

The stove was fine, and no harm was done, the pan was in the sink and all seemed to be well.
The perfect stranger, who seemed to have everything in order, reached from behind her... and leaned in so close she could practically feel the heat coming off of him... and smell him.

And sheesh did he smell good. 

It was a manly scent, not something you would ordinarily smell... cologne maybe? 

She wasn't sure, but then again, she didn't usually go around and smell strangers.

She felt his lips barely brush her ear, but her body took note and her arms broke out in little goosebumps over the barely there contact.

"I just need to grab the cups. Can I make you some coffee?" 

She nodded her head slightly, trying to not think about this stranger in the ways that she was.
Who was he anyway?

She had so many questions... and she had yet to open her mouth and actually speak to him.
Think Div, think.

What would be the right way to start off a conversation to a guy you didn't really know, but might like to get to know in the near future?

At first, she started off by being polite and thankful.

"I..." She quickly cleared her throat to get rid of the lump that had lodged itself there in all the excitement of the evening.

"I want to thank you. If you were not here..."

Well, luckily she did not have to think about that.

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