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i've never dreaded putting on a formal gown more than now, knowing that you'd be wearing it to your engagement ball. The dress itself was beautiful. White lace surrounded the breast and around the waist to wrap around my entire torso before the lace ended at your hips to let the red skirt fall to the floor where more white lace hemmed the end of the skirt. My arms were covered in open fingered gloves that extended just past the elbow as the dress had to straps and rested on your chest.

My hair was partially pulled back, the fronts of your locks pulled back behind your head and pinned into a knot with a white ribbon as the rest lay on your shoulders. A servant had come into the room as a lace was being wrapped around my neck when another necklace was presented. A small, red gem in the shape of a teardrop- apparently a gift from Taehyung for you to wear. i wore it along with the lace choker. I could already feel the beginning of an ache in my feet from the heels that encased my ankle and enclosed your toes.

I stood outside the ballroom entrance door, trying to gather your breath. I would typically enter the ballroom with your guest, but Taehyung would be appearing later on with his father and mother- fashionably late as royalty demanded.

The moment I entered the ballroom, all eyes were on you along with a small murmur followed by an applause at the arrival of the lady of the hour. I just waved them calm before i took to mingling like a proper lady should. Speaking and greeting the visitors who took the time to come to your island home, I couldn't get my throat to unclog.

The anxiousness of singing, the dread of possible mistakes, the sorrow of not being able to dance with the rest of the ladies during the first dance and the ugly jealousy of whoever would be lucky enough to dance with Taehyung first. All of it stuck in your throat like a toad.

I jump when i feel a hand rest on the small of your back, getting your attention. I whirl around, ready to scold who dared to touch you so familiarly, but stopped short when you look up to Taehyung's snake eyes.

"Prince," i muttered. His hand that was on your back moved to rest on your waist in your hasty turn. He was dressed in a golden vest that matched his hair and compliments his eyes and scales. His white dress shirt beneath his vest was wrinkle-free and his trousers hung off his waist in perfection as the toes of his boots reflected the ballroom's light. A royal blazer with embroidered shoulders and decorated lapels. His hair was brushed and parted, as soft looking as ever. I noticed a golden teardrop necklace with the chain tucked under his dress shirt's collar as the gem rested on his chest.

"You look beautiful, Dahyun," he compliments. My face is the same shade of the dress as i fiddled with my skirt. I took a breath and looked up to him with a smile.

"You look as handsome as always," i told him, sincerity dripping off my tongue. I lifted my hand to toy with the necklace that was given to you. "Thank you for this," i said. He in turn touched his own golden gem that was nearly identical to yours. I looked around, not seeing the king or queen in the ballroom yet. "Where are your parents?" I asked him as he just chuckled.

"I came early. I wanted to see you before the event started."

"Oh," was your instant reply to the soft smile on his face. I cleared my throat as i gathered thoughts and changed the topic. "So, have you decided on someone to dance with while I sing?" I ask as cheerfully as i could muster. My resolve faltered at the look the prince gave you without speaking. Maybe he hadn't been asked yet?

"I won't be participating in the first dance," he declared with a slightly dipped brow. "Why would I, knowing that my fiance wouldn't be my partner?" He grabbed my hand. "I will dance and mingle through the night just as I'm expected to, but if you cannot dance in the event's opening, then neither will I."

My face grew rosy. His words were heavy on your heart and squeezed your chest like you were drowning. Would he ever be aware of just how much his words mean to you? Would he realize one day that everything he tells you and every praise he sings made you want to crumble under the weight of your unspoken, suffocating feelings?

Eventually, the elder royal couple of Serpent Castle had made their appearance and My presence was requested at the back of the room in preparation. As i spoke with the instrumentalists who would replace my voice through the remainder of the night after the song, i instructed them to stay silent and keep their instruments hushed until you were finished.

As the opening was announced, partners were grabbed, the floor was scattered with pairs and Taehyung stood behind you, his hands tucked informally into the pockets of his trousers as he watched my back. Then, I sang.

The hymn was something Taehyung hadn't heard before. He had heard her sing up close before, often coming by the shrine at early morning or late evenings just to hear it clearly rather than through his serpent's blood. He did not recognize this hymn, yet it resonated so clearly with his serpent counterpart as his blood felt like it was getting warmer behind his skin. It raised goosebumps on his skin under his clothes and made the hair on the back of his neck stand.

Whatever this new hymn was, it was immediately his favorite. The flutters it put in his chest made him remove his hand from his pocket just to push his palm against his chest. He felt his heart pound under his palm as he just stared at her back with wide eyes of awe.

When the hymn was over and the first dance of the evening concluded, there was a round of applause for my unparalleled performance and then the instrumentalists finally took over.

I felt a weight off my chest as i sighed in relief. I had performed well in my opinion. Not missing my notes or beat, but then again it would be harder to do an official hymn rather than the one i sung.

"Dahyun," i heard Taehyung call behind you. Turning, i saw his eyes shining brighter than usual- perhaps it was the ballrooms light gleaming in them. "That hymn, I hadn't heard that before."

"Oh, well it's because I composed that hymn myself." i opened my hand and started counting on your fingers. "I suppose it was a few weeks ago, but I have begun writing my own hymns- just to see if perhaps they would be as effective as those written in our books." i lowered my hand back to your side. "I hope it wasn't distasteful to you,"

"It was magnificent," he breathed in truth. "I hope you sing it often so I may hear it."

"I-," i stuttered at the compliments, "of course. If that's what you wish, then it shall be my Prince."

Taehyung quickly reached for and took your hand, holding it tightly as he pulled you beside him. "Come," he told you. Leading you out among the peoples in the rooms as they danced to the tunes played by the men who plucked strings and blew into flutes. "Be my first dance," he smiled. "It may not be the first, but it shall be our first dance."

Taehyung's hand re-positioned in yours as his other rested on your waist as i gripped his shoulder and my feet were soon slotted beside each other. My chest brushing against his as the next song had begun and our feet moved with the harp and flutes tune.

Taehyung spoke as i danced, speaking of the upcoming wedding and it's preparations. The set up and guest attendance will be filled with all the people in the ballroom currently, leading to him telling me that they would all be staying on the island until the wedding had concluded. The ceremony was hopefully going to be quick and not a drawn out afternoon, as i got choked up just thinking about it.

Of course, the toughest part of it all would be vows.  

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