"But I-"

"Bed. Now."

Harry swore under his breath, okayed Hermione's message, and crawled back into bed. Instead of laying back down, he sat up.

"You're like a big child aren't you?"

Draco pushed a very confused Harry forward so that he could slip in behind him.


"9:30 am."

Harry watched as Draco turned on the lamp and set the alarm to 8:45 and 9:15. He then began rubbing Harry's tense back.

"What else is bothering you?"

"Hermione is gonna tear into me about the state of the house."

"Harry it looks so much better than when I first got here. I'll help you clean tomorrow if you wish, and if it bothers Hermione that much she can help. I highly doubt she expected you to get this much done. Next."

"Well there's the party... I think I'll just cancel."

"Potter you are not canceling on my account. You spend all of your time with me. I'm know I'm the light of your life, but you are allowed to see and spend time with your other friends. I have a potion to work on remember?"

Harry didn't even try denying that Draco was the reason. He was selfish. The thought of sharing Draco with anyone else made his skin crawl and his eyes burn with fury. Draco needed to be protected, he was special.

"Yeah but-"

"No buts. You deserve to have a good time. If you keep worrying about things that you have absolutely no need to worry about you're going to end up having a nightmare. I don't want that for you, and I most certainly don't want to force my potion down your throat."

Harry's reply was cut off with a groan.

"Potter if you don't stop fighting me-"

"No Malfoy it's not that. Your hands are magic."


Soon Draco was smirking, and he widened the range of skin his hands were exploring.

"I promise they're more magical in other areas."

"Salazar I don't doubt that for a minute."

As much as Draco enjoyed the current conversation, he needed to keep Harry on track.

"I promise you everything will be fine. I'll make myself scarce and you have fun. You deserve to see all of your friends. It'll be like I was never here so everyone will be comfortable. I'll just stay in my room or in the lab. It's truly okay Harry I promise."

"If you're sure."

"Positive. Now come cuddle with me so I can sleep."

With a small chuckle, Harry clicked off the lamp and held Draco in his arms.

"Everything will be fine", he reassured himself.


Harry wished he kept that attitude when he heard the alarm go off for the second time.

"C'mon darling, time to get up."

"It's absolutely infuriating that you are a morning person."

"How do you think I feel having to get your lazy arse up all the time? It's a full time job."

"In that case, you should bunk off work and come back to bed."

Harry held his arms open for Draco and angrily opened an eye when Draco didn't fall into his embrace.

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