Chapter 3: The Flames...

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Jake's Point Of View (POV): 

In my class, I couldn't comprehend what just happened before the bell rang, 'Sean asked Daisy out... Sean asked Daisy out... SEAN ASKED DAISY OUT!' But no matter how many times  I yelled it in my head, it wouldn't stay in my mind without causing a wave of anger or emotion. And I thought I was showing that I was okay, and not upset but then I heard a whisper close by and it comes from Hailey, "Hey Jake, are you okay... you look quite tense...", she whispers.

Hailey's Point Of View (POV):

"Hey Jake, are you okay... you look quite tense...", I say keeping my voice low so the teacher won't hear me but loud enough so Jake will. Jake is my desk-mate, so while I was looking over at him because I heard mumbling I saw his face it was fairly pale and looked like he was about to kill someone... I was worried. He just looks at me tapping his peach pen, until I break the silence and say, "Do you want to talk?" He opens his mouth to reply but then the bell rings signaling all of the students to their next class. And when it rings he writes down something that I couldn't see and then starts to pack his stuff up. And while he packs up I start until I feel a tap on my shoulder... I turn around to see my brother, Zander said, "Hailey, are you ready to go?". "Um... ya I'll be outside in a second I just need to finish packing up my stuff..." "Okay, Hailey," he says unsure.

And as I see Zander walkout, I instantly turn my head to Jake to talk to him while he stares at the paper he was writing on and I ask, "What you got there?". "Nothing... just some notes from class and stuff.", he says. I start to get up and walk to the door until I stop by Jake's side of the desk and say, "Hey, I saw you looked pretty tense during class you okay? Want to talk about it?" "Actually that would be pretty nice...", he says with a bit of sadness in his voice. "Okay well we both have a free-period now... so want to meet up by the garden and talk about it?" "Yeah sure... I'll meet you there, I just need to put some things in my locker and then I'll meet you by the willow tree.", he says. "Okay, sounds good."

Jake's Point Of View (POV):

I see Hailey walk out of the classroom... just leaving me in there... all alone. Then I get up from my seat, grab my paper, and head out of the classroom and straight to my locker keeping in mind that I can't get sidetracked because I need to go outside to talk with Hailey. 'It was nice that someone cared about me as much as Hailey...', I thought to myself being grateful.

I finally arrived at my locker and put in my books from my previous class, and then I looked at the lyrics that I previously wrote on the piece of paper and they read;

'And once you both find the flame'

I wasn't very sure if the flame meant my flame of anger or a flame blowing out and a new one forming... but I couldn't think of that now because I had to meet up with Hailey outside.

I walk out and I start walking towards the garden and then the willow tree, I see Hailey sitting there with her shiny-teal headphones on her head, attached to her phone with a light-teal phone case with stickers of music performers, artists, songwriters, and music notes. I walk over to her and he still hasn't noticed so I tap her gently on the shoulder and she looks up at me with those beautiful black eyes. I feel butterflies start to flutter in my stomach, which I still don't know why but I'll think about that later. And then I realized that I was thinking for so long that I realized that I was staring into Hailey's eyes slowly getting lost until I snapped myself back into reality... slightly blushing.  "So you want to sit down, Jake?" she asks as if what I just did wasn't weird. "Ummm yeah...", I say, still blushing quite a bit.

"So what's wrong, Jake... you seem pretty down in the dumps today?", said Hailey with worry in her midnight-black eyes. "Did something happen recently?" "Ummm... w-well kind of...", I said, stumbling on my words due to sadness. "What happened then?" she asked, sounding quite concerned. I stayed silent because the words I wanted and probably needed to say to someone that I trust just couldn't form into words it just made me want to cry a little. "Hey Jake, you know you can tell me anything... we're like family..."

Hailey's Point Of View (POV):

"Hey Jake, you know you can tell me anything... we're like family...", I said to Jake hoping he would feel safe enough to tell me. Even though I said "like family"... the truth that I think I wanted to be more than that... or maybe I'm just losing my mind. "S-sean a-asked D-d-daisy out...", he stumbled out of his mouth tears starting to form in his eyes.

Jake's Point of View (POV):

"S-sean a-asked D-d-daisy out...", I stumbled out of my mouth tears starting to form in my eyes. Suddenly I feel a sudden warmth on my cheek, which then I realized that it was Hailey's hand... with her thumb wiping the tears off my face. And in the heat of the moment, I grab Hailey's hand and start moving toward her without releasing it. And then I realize that we are about an inch or two apart from each other looking like we were about to kiss...

'And all of a sudden I knew that I was going to be okay... I had a feeling... but what was going to happen next...? I had no idea... and I don't know if it will be good or bad... just that I had a feeling that it would be a big moment... and then I knew my next lyric... I just needed to know what would happen next. Then I would write down that new lyric... but what I did know...;'

'Is that I found my new flame... and it wasn't of anger... but a new chapter...'

Author's note soon...

Word Count: 1089

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