I did a quick scan over the page he was on, just barly looking over the details before he put it back down onto the table.

He was talking about VR headsets.

"Yeah those are virtual reality headsets. They put an all around screen infront of you that makes you see other thing's or somthing. I don't really kniw much about it." I waved one of my hands around while talking to try and explain what I was getting at. Only making Gus more confused.

"Is that how you got here? Maybe your in one of the headsets right now!" Gus leaned over the table while poking my face, trying to see if there was an invisible box over my eye's.

I laughed and pushed his hand away causing him to sit down. The glow of his ring slightly shining off the table.

"Gus, I don't think that how she got here. I could have sworn it had something to do with a portal." Willow scratched the side of her head while looking down.

Gus started pouting as he folded his arm's over his chest, before mumbling "Well I don't know it could be possible but hey! What does Gus know about humans?" Under his breath.

Me and Willow started laughing while Gus went back to flipping through his human magazine.

Amity's Pov

Now that I'm normal huh?

Was that all my parent's actually thought of me?

I hadn't been normal because I hadn't had a soulmate.

Well... I guess I did have a soulmate, but they were just gone for half my life.

So many people had teased me because I was going tk be alone for the rest of my life. If only they could all see me now.

Chatter filled the room around me. Every word being muffled out by my very loud thoughts.

My ring shone bright while I sat in the cafe.

It was a bit dimmer then it was 15 minutes ago, but still quite bright.

I don't understand. I wanted a soulmate my whole life. But somthing about just felt... Off.

Sometimes I wonder if my soulmate cut their ring. But if that was the case how did they get it back?





A loud voice knocks me out of my thoughts.

I look up to see Boscha staring at me, along with the other's.

"Ugh, were you even paying attention? Now that you're normal, me and the gals want to go to the beach in a few day's. You know? For Penstigram. Are you in?" Boscha said while holding her phone up to take a picture of herself.

There it is again. 'Normal'.

I never really understood what was so great about Penstigram. But popular kid's liked it, so I would like it.

At least that's what my mother said.

"Yeah sure, whatever."

Boscha seemed satisfied with my answer and started talking about... Boy's?

I'm not really sure I spaced out again.

I looked across the cafeteria and saw that girl and her friend's.

Luz, I think.

They were all laughing and having fun.

None of them had their nose in their scroll. They were all in the moment. They were enjoying themselves.

I couldn't help but be jealous.

If I spent half as much time with my friend's in the real world, that I do online with them, we all would know everything about eachother. Including every single time we had an exam.

Yet, I don't even think Boscha knew my favourite color.

I only noticed I was staring when that human girl gave me a warm smile and a wave.

I shot my head down as fast I could while staring at the table.

Her smile gave me butterflies. What was that?

That doesn't happen when Boscha smiles at me. If she even smiles.

Besides that human is annoying! She's always asking questions about everything. And she followed me around until I gave into giving her a tour. And she's always concerned avout others well being. The fact that she always makes sure that people are okay. And how she rushes in to help without any idea of a plan. And that- wait a minute...

Where was I going with this?

Not proof read.

Have a good day, and thank's for reading!

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